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16th Annual Congress-Bundestag Forum

16th Annual Congress-Bundestag Forum

16th Annual Congress-Bundestag Forum

Dr. Camilla Bausch addresses the dynamic geopolitical energy landscape with a group of transatlantic Parliamentarians

Dresden, Germany
Panel discussion

How do policymakers balance future climate and energy security issues in light of a rapidly changing world? Dr. Camilla Bausch addressed the dynamic geopolitical energy landscape and some associated security concerns for Germany and Europe in a controversial debate with a group of transatlantic Parliamentarians from across the aisle. This was part of the 16th Annual Congress-Bundestag Forum by the German Marshall Fund.

The term energy security invites many definitions. In order to address the wide-reaching implications for security, Dr. Bausch used the defining parameters of supply continuity, affordability and sustainability. Within these parameters, she also considered climate change and its effect on the future energy landscape and placed it in the context of the current political debate.

Dr. Bausch addressed the fact that Europe, with its current dependencies on imports, is vulnerable to geopolitical change. Greater European integration, illustrated by the formation of the Energy Union, helps to curb risks. More autonomy through improved integration of renewable resources would further alleviate dependencies. Although the idea of the energy transformation is popular among the German people, questions of fairness and the capacities of current policies to deliver on climate protection lead to controversial debates.

Taking all of these many aspects of the energy security debate into consideration, a lively debate with the members of Congress and German parliament ensued, including topics such as future transatlantic cooperation, the increasing role of China and India, the role of Northstream2 and obligations arising from Paris Agreement.

Dr. Bausch was invited as a speaker by the German Marshall Fund and the Robert Bosch Foundation. The annual Congress-Bundestag Forum brings together influential members of the U.S. Congress and the German Bundestag and promotes transatlantic cooperation through discussions of policy issues affecting the United States and Europe.

Will energy security be the leading security issue of the next century?


Panel discussion
Dresden, Germany
energy security, climate, energy transition, transformation, German Marshall Fund, Robert Bosch Foundation, Nord Stream 2, Paris Climate Agreement, sustainability, supply continuity, geopolitics, Congress, Bundestag, transatlantic