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Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!

Plastic Pirates Website

@Ecologic Institute

Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!


Ecologic Institut (2020):Plastic Pirates – Go Europe!. URL:

A torn plastic bag on the riverbank or a yoghurt cup floating in the water are symptoms of serious interference with the highly complex system of seas, the ocean and flowing waterways. The Plastic Pirates – Go Europe! project focuses on this plastic waste problem and our future handling of it. It aims to familiarise young people with the general topic of the ocean and water cycles in the process. They will learn what it means to work scientifically – and try their hand at it.

Plastic Pirates – Go Europe! is a joint citizen science campaign by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in collaboration with the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. The campaign is taking place in all three countries from 2020 to 2021 as part of the trio presidency of the EU Council. The goals of the campaign are to strengthen scientific collaboration in Europe, promote the level of dedication among citizen scientists and to raise awareness and consciousness for the environment.

Ecologic Institute develops and programs the website in four languages. In addition to general information and instructions on the action, the website also offers an ordering system for the action materials of the participating countries. Through an integrated social media wall, the activities of the plastic pirates are highlighted on the website under the hashtag #PlasticPiratesEU. A digital results form allows teachers to upload the results of their participation. At the heart of the website is an interactive map of Europe that visualises the results of the participating schools.


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Concept: Familie Redlich & Ecologic Institute

Design: Familie Redlich

Web development: Ecologic Institute

Project ID
plastic, environment, river, ocean
Germany, Portugal, Slovenia
website, interactive, map, citizen science