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Ressourcenschonungspolitik in der EU

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© Ecologic Institute

Ressourcenschonungspolitik in der EU

Zusammenschau politischer Strategiepapiere von den Anfängen bis heute


Langsdorf, Susanne (2021): Ressourcenschonungspolitik in der EU. Eine Zusammenschau politischer Strategiepapiere von den Anfängen bis heute. Ecologic Institut, Berlin.

Decoupling economic growth and resource use is a core objective of the "European Green Deal". How this is to be achieved is formulated in the new "Action Plan for the Circular Economy" and the "Industrial Strategy" of 2020. Reason enough to take a closer look at the current but also the older strategy papers – which concrete goals do the strategy papers contain – and which ones not? Which areas are addressed and which measures proposed – and what is announced for the near future? Is today's resource conservation policy more ambitious than in its early days?

This paper presents the key political documents of European resource policy and traces lines of development.

Presented and analyzed are

  • The "Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources" (2005).
  • "Resource-efficient Europe - a flagship initiative within the Europe 2020 strategy" (2011).
  • The "Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe" (2011)
  • The "EU Circular Economy Package 2015" and the "EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy" (2011)
  • The "European Green Deal" (2019).
  • A "New Industrial Strategy for Europe" (2020).
  • "A new Circular Economy Action Plan. For a cleaner and more competitive Europe" (2020).
Resource Conservation Policy in the EU – A synopsis of policy strategy papers from the beginning until today


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46 pp.
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Resource use, resource conservation, resource efficiency circular economy, European Green Deal, Actionplan Circular Economy, strategy