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Climate: Saved by the pandemic?

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Climate: Saved by the pandemic?

Dr. Camilla Bausch's publication in ISPI Dossier "The World in 2021"


Bausch, Camilla 2020: Climate: Saved by the pandemic? In: Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) 2020: The World in 2021, pages 32-35.

With 2020 drawing to a close, Dr. Camilla Bausch was invited to contribute to "The World in 2021". This publication is an annual end-of-year publication by ISPI, a leading foreign policy think tank in Italy, on trends, crises and 10 key "questions" that are relevant for the upcoming year.

As one of ISPI's flagship publications, past contributors include Italy's former Prime Minister Romano Prodi and Brookings President John R. Allen.

Camilla Bausch's contribution, published in English and Italian looks at the interlinkages between two global crises: the Corona pandemic and global heating.

Dr. Bausch's contribution was supported by the Stiftung Mercator. The author would like to thank Benjamin Görlach, R. Andreas Kraemer and Willem van Rijn for their editorial support.


"2021 awaits us as a year of promise at a time when the world is in a fragile state." – Dr. Camilla Bausch


Published in
Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI) 2020: The World in 2021
3 pp.
rescue and recovery packages, COVID-19, European Green Deal, carbon pricing, Joe Biden, multilateralism, Paris Climate Agreement, emissions gap report, NextGeneration EU, nature based solutions, resilence, knowledge systems, Europe, G7, G20, COP26, European presidency, ambition, ISPI, climate protection, harmful subsidies, fossil fuels