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Air Quality Planning and Control of Industrial Emissions in Vietnam

© Heidi Stockhaus

Air Quality Planning and Control of Industrial Emissions in Vietnam


In order to reduce air pollution, especially in large cities, Vietnam is discussing the introduction of air quality planning and an integrated permit system as part of the revision of its Law on Environmental Protection. Together with the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues, Ecologic Institute supports the legislative process and develops guidelines for the subsequent implementation of the two instruments.

Air pollution in Vietnam has increased sharply in recent decades, mainly driven by economic growth and the increase in mobility. The 2014 version of the Law on Environmental Protection only touches on air quality management and industrial emissions control. With the 2020 revision, Vietnam plans to introduce air quality planning as an overarching instrument and the integrated permit system as an instrument to control industrial emissions in the Law on Environmental Protection - the National Assembly is expected to decide in November 2020.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) is responsible for submitting a draft of the revised Law on Environmental Protection, and is supported in this revision process by the GIZ Global Project "Integrated Air Quality Management and Climate Change Mitigation". As part of the global project, the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues and the Ecologic Institute are contributing to the revision process with recommendations for the design of the instruments and references to international experience.

With air quality planning and the integrated permit system, two new legal instruments are being introduced in Vietnam – accordingly, practical experience is lacking. The Independent Institute for Environmental Issues and Ecologic Institute are therefore developing guidelines for the implementation of these instruments by the competent authorities. In addition, MONRE is supported in the development of Technical Guidelines for Air Quality Planning.

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Dr. Heidi Stockhaus
Project ID
air pollution control
Vietnam, Asia