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Wie der klimaneutrale Umbau des Industriestandorts Deutschland gelingen kann
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Thie, Jan-Erik und Benjamin Görlach 2019: Wie der klimaneutrale Umbau des Industriestandorts Deutschland gelingen kann. Makronom: 16. Oktober 2019. Online: https://makronom.de/wie-der-klimaneutrale-umbau-des-industriestandorts-…
The enormously innovative German industry is in a position to develop many of the technical solutions required to achieve climate neutrality and bring them onto the market. However, this is not a fast-selling item, but also requires a long-term commitment from the public sector. In this article, Jan-Erik Thie and Benjamin Görlach of Ecologic Institute discuss how German industry can become climate neutral and why the public sector plays an important role. The article is available online.