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Ecologic Newsletter No 38 - April 2006

Ecologic Newsletter No 38 - April 2006

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. The Global Oil Peak and Climate Change - Implications for Growth in Germany - Dinner Dialogue with Dennis Meadows 
  2. Institutional Interaction in Global Environmental Governance: Synergy and Conflict among International and EU Policies – Book Publication
  3. Expert Talk on Article 12 Habitats Directive
  4. Fighting Corruption in the Water Sector – Bellagio Forum at the 4th World Water Forum and Expo 
  5. Life at a tipping point – Legislative climate policies at the state level – Dinner Dialogue with Jim Marzilli
  6. Instruments of Water Policy: from an instrumental to an objective-oriented approach - Publication
  7. Collaboration between WFD Implementation and Spatial Planning: Experiences from Schleswig Holstein - Lecture
  8. Common Agricultural Policy and Water Framework Directive - Lecture

1. The Global Oil Peak and Climate Change - Implications for Growth in Germany - Dinner Dialogue with Dennis Meadows

The implications of rising oil prices and the effects of climate change for growth in Germany were the topic of the Dinner Dialogue in honour of Dennis Meadows, co-author of "Limits To Growth". The 30 year update of the 1972 best seller has been the staring point for the discussion taking place in Berlin on 3 April 2006.

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2. Institutional Interaction in Global Environmental Governance: Synergy and Conflict among International and EU Policies – Book Publication

This systematic investigation of the interaction among international and European institutions provides both a theoretical framework for analysis and the first broad overview of this largely uncharted field of research. By offering detailed case studies and a systematic analysis of results, the book examines the effects of institutional interaction on environmental governance and explores the ways in which international and European Union policies can either reinforce or undercut one another.

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3. Expert Talk on Article 12 Habitats Directive

How can we implement Article 12 of the Habitats Directive in Germany? This was the topic of the expert talk that took place in Berlin 6 April 2006. Participants from the federal states and the government discussed how users can implement the Directive in agriculture and forestry pragmatically. The expert talk was a contribution to the activity of the corresponding working group at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. It is part of a project conducted by Ecologic on behalf of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN).

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4. Fighting Corruption in the Water Sector – Bellagio Forum at the 4th World Water Forum and Expo

Ecologic, as a Member of the Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development (BFSD), partnered with the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and Transparency International (TI) to convene an awareness-raising event showcasing the new Water Integrity Network (WIN) at the 4th World Water Forum in Mexico. It highlighted the importance of improving integrity and governance structures in the sector as a precondition for meeting the ambitious Millennium Development Goals.

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5. Life at a tipping point – Legislative climate policies at the state level – Dinner Dialogue with Jim Marzilli

The US energy and climate policy – particularly political dynamics at the sub-national level – was the topic of the Transatlantic Climate Dinner in honour of Jim Marzilli. Since 1990, Marzilli has been campaigning for environmental- and energy-sector reforms in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Against the backdrop of increasingly dynamic climate and energy policy debates, the participants discussed the potential for reforms as well as possible hurdles at the city and state levels. The Transatlantic Climate Dinner took place on March 16, 2006 in Berlin.

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6. Instruments of Water Policy: from an instrumental to an objective-oriented approach - Publication

Like environmental policy in general, water policy in particular is subject to constant change. In his article published in the journal Wasser und Abfall (Water and Waste), Peter Kessler describes the shift from an instrumental to an objective-oriented approach. While the water crisis in the Hessisches Ried was still mastered with the instrumental approach, the quality objectives of the German Länder Working Group on Water Issues (LAWA) and the water quality objectives of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) represent the quality objective orientation.

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7. Collaboration between WFD Implementation and Spatial Planning: Experiences from Schleswig Holstein - Lecture

On occasion of the international workshop on "Current spatial planning and river basin management planning according to the EU Water Framework Directive" held in Stockholm on 13-14 February 2006, Nadine Herbke spoke to participants predominantly from Scandinavia and the Baltic area on "Collaboration between WFD implementation and spatial planning: Experiences from Schleswig-Holstein". The workshop was held within the framework of the Interreg project TRABANT (Transnational River Basin Districts on the Eastern Side of the Baltic Sea Network), and launched Work Package 2 which aims at analysing the consequences of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the Baltic Sea Region on spatial planning systems.

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8. Common Agricultural Policy and Water Framework Directive - Lecture

Based on an initiative of the Grüne Liga e.V. a seminar with the title: On the way towards the “Good status”- Critical aspects of the WFD was held on 24 March 2006. Rainer Müssner from Ecologic gave a presentation about the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU and the Water Framework Directive. The main focus of Müssner’s presentation was the linkages between these policy areas and options to create synergies.

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