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Collaboration between Water Framework Directive Implementation and Spatial Planning: Experiences from Schleswig Holstein

Collaboration between Water Framework Directive Implementation and Spatial Planning: Experiences from Schleswig Holstein

Collaboration between Water Framework Directive Implementation and Spatial Planning: Experiences from Schleswig Holstein

Stockholm, Sweden
Nadine Herbke

On occasion of the international workshop on "Current spatial planning and river basin management planning according to the EU Water Framework Directive" held in Stockholm on 13 and 14 February 2006, Nadine Herbke spoke to participants predominantly from Scandinavia and the Baltic area on "Collaboration between WFD implementation and spatial planning: Experiences from Schleswig-Holstein".

The workshop was held within the framework of the Interreg project TRABANT (Transnational River Basin Districts on the Eastern Side of the Baltic Sea Network), and launched Work Package 2 which aims at analysing the consequences of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) in the Baltic Sea Region on spatial planning systems.

In her presentation, Nadine Herbke stated the importance of co-ordination between responsible authorities as well as public participation including stakeholder consultation for the implementation of the WFD at the level of river basin districts in Schleswig-Holstein. She discussed the structure and tasks of co-ordination bodies at various levels and, on the basis of Ecologic's research made for the CAP&WFD project, pointed to the window of opportunity offered by the development of WFD Programmes of Measures, which will be finished by 2008-2009 and need inter alia to consider spatial planning requirements.

The workshop provided an excellent opportunity for experts and stakeholders to exchange ideas and further develop their co-operation in respect of the WFD. Other presentations by experts from eleven countries explained how existing planning systems integrate the demands put forwards in the WFD.

You can download the presentation of Nadine Herbke [pdf, 216 KB, English].

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Nadine Herbke
Stockholm, Sweden
Project ID
Water, Water Framework Directive, spatial planning, Common Agricultural Policy, implementation, Baltic Sea, Schleswig-Holstein,