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Advanced Training Course on the Design and Implementation of Emissions Trading Schemes in Haikou, China

Advanced Training Course on the Design and Implementation of Emissions Trading Schemes in Haikou, China


Ecologic Institute supported ICAP and GIZ in the implementation of an advanced training course on ETS design and implementation which took place in the Chinese city of Haikou, 22 to 26 October 2018.

From 22 to 26 October 2018, the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), together with SinoCarbon, Hainan Development and Reform Commission (DRC) and the Hainan Normal University convened an international advanced ETS training course in the city of Haikou. The course offered 26 Chinese participants from the government from the national, regional and local level as well as from academia, think tanks, business and industry, an opportunity to deepen their understanding of ETS design and implementation and discuss the future development of carbon markets in China and globally. During the weeklong training, many distinguished Chinese and international ETS experts provided input that served as the breeding ground for vivid exchange among participants and experts.

Based on the experience gained in previous ICAP Training Courses implemented by the Ecologic Institute, Benjamin Görlach was involved in the curriculum development, acted as one of the facilitators of the course, managed several of the interactive sessions and presented in several sessions throughout the course.


Project ID
Haikou, China
Training, Capacity Building