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Ecologic Newsletter No 187 – April 2018



  1. Innovation, Renovation, Transformation – Publication
  2. Stakeholder Exclusion Likely? Public Participation under the Governance Regulation – Publication
  3. Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform – Publication
  4. Substance and Style – How the WTO Adjudicators Legitimize their Decisions – Publication
  5. 2018 International Symposium on Energy Efficiency – EFEX Conference
  6. EFEX Study Tour on Energy Efficiency – Event
  7. Social and Political Dimensions of Plastics in the Environment – Introductory and Networking Meeting
  8. Sampling, Sample Preparation and Analysis of Microplastics – Workshop
  9. Car Sharing in Germany – Expert Workshop
  10. What Narratives have to do with Nijmegen's Room for the River Program and with Climate Services – News
  11. Legal Clerkship (Optional Station in Environmental Law) – Job Opportunity
  1. Innovation, Renovation, Transformation – Publication

    Green growth brings about multiple social and economic benefits. Together with Ecofys, Ecologic Institute produced a brochure, which highlights examples of green growth that stem from a range of sectors (energy, buildings, transport, agriculture and industry) and are located throughout Central, Eastern and Southern Europe. The brochure presents cutting-edge technologies, forward-thinking entrepreneurs, smart combinations of financing options, and innovative project designs. The brochure is available for download.

  2. Stakeholder Exclusion Likely? Public Participation under the Governance Regulation – Publication

    The EU risks violating the public participation provisions of the Aarhus Convention. This may lead to an exclusion of stakeholders from the preparation of the strategies and plans that will shape future energy and climate policies.The Commission’s proposal for Article 10 of the Regulation for the Governance of the Energy Union (GReg) and the related positions of the Council and the Parliament are currently being negotiated. In this report Ecologic Institute's Dr. Heidi Stockhaus analyses the proposals in the light of the EU’s obligations under the Aarhus Convention and highlights the shortcomings that need to be addressed.

  3. Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform – Publication

    The Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIP Platform) was established in Paris in 2015, but its operationalization is still ongoing. The LCIP Platform could provide an important next step towards a nuanced inclusion of specific non-Party stakeholders in the UNFCCC process. Based on the negotiation process for the Platform and on current modes of participation of non-Party stakeholders, this report develops a toolkit of governance elements for the Platform. This toolkit can be used by parties, local communities, and indigenous peoples to discuss the implementation of the Platform's functions and potential combinations of governance elements more specifically. The report, written by Arne Riedel and Ralph Bodle, both of Ecologic Institute, is available for download.

  4. Substance and Style – How the WTO Adjudicators Legitimize their Decisions – Publication

    The dispute settlement mechanism of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is one of the most active international courts. How the WTO's adjudicators decide cases is the topic of a book chapter authored by Christiane Gerstetter, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute. The book, entiteld "The Judicialization of International Law: A Mixed Blessing?" is edited by Andreas Follesdal and Geir Ulfstein and published by Oxford University Press. It deals with the influence of decisions by international courts.

  5. 2018 International Symposium on Energy Efficiency – EFEX Conference

    On 26 June 2018, the International Symposium on Energy Efficiency will bring together leaders from all over the globe as part of the EFEX project to talk about the ways in which energy efficiency has proven to be not only a tool for meeting environmental and sustainability goals and commitments but also an opportunity to increase participation and prosperity in all segments of society. Registration for the conference is open, and you can still get in at the discounted early bird rate. Ecologic Institute Berlin is the lead partner in the EFEX project.

  6. EFEX Study Tour on Energy Efficiency – Event

    The EFEX study tour from 25 to 29 June 2018 complements our 2018 International Symposium on Energy Efficiency with an in-depth exploration of energy lighthouse projects in the US American capital region. The program includes presentations and field trips on topics ranging from energy efficiency to renewable energy and sustainable mobility, with a special focus on the interconnections between these sectors. The program is designed for civil-society participants from the United States and Europe. The Ecologic Institute US is the lead organizer for the study tour. Applications are still open.

  7. Social and Political Dimensions of Plastics in the Environment – Introductory and Networking Meeting

    On 27 March 2018, around 20 social scientists, all involved in one of the research projects of the research program "Plastic in the Environment", funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, met to network and discuss future possibilities to increase the visibility of the social and political dimensions of plastics in the environment. The chair for science and technology policy at the Munich Center for Technology in Society organized the meeting together with Ecologic Institute.

  8. Sampling, Sample Preparation and Analysis of Microplastics – Workshop

    Around 50 scientists from twelve collaborative projects of the research focus "Plastics in the Environment" met for a first exchange on sampling, sample preparation and analysis of microplastics at the Water Technology Center (TZW) in Karlsruhe (Germany). The workshop, organized by TZW and the Ecologic Institute, aimed to coordinate and learn from each other the many difficulties in identifying and quantifying microplastics from water or soil samples.

  9. Car Sharing in Germany – Expert Workshop

    The workshop "Car Sharing in Germany" took place on 8 March 2018, hosted in Berlin by Ecologic Institute. In the first part of the workshop experts addressed the current state of affairs of car sharing in Germany, confirming the dynamic nature of the industry and the difficulties involved in assessing its size and effects. In the second portion of the workshop they focused on future developments as well as the importance of policy for a societal transition away from privately owned vehicles. Ecologic Institute co-organized the workshop as part of the CIRCULAR IMPACTS project and in collaboration with Service Innovation Labs.

  10. What Narratives have to do with Nijmegen's Room for the River Program and with Climate Services – News

    The Netherlands: For centuries, the Dutch have erected dykes to protect the country from the water of the Rhine. Whenever the feeling prevailed that the protection was not adequate, the dykes were raised and modernized. However, for some time unusual things have been happening along many rivers in the Netherlands: more than thirty rivers are changing their course. As a result, new measures for flood control are being discussed, communicated and implemented in the whole country. How are these measures being developed? Which attempts are being pursued? Dr. Grit Martinez of Ecologic Institute is collecting narratives in order to create knowledge systems helping the design, utilization and uptake of future climate services.

  11. Legal Clerkship (Optional Station in Environmental Law) – Job Opportunity

    Support our Legal Team in interdisciplinary research projects in the field of environmental law and policy at national, European and international level. Your tasks also include internal legal advice and support in acquisition activities.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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