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Ecologic Newsletter No 184 – January 2018



  1. Implementing Climate Policies at the Local Level – Publication
  2. EU Greenhouse Gas Emission Budget – Publication
  3. Implementing Redistributive Financial Mechanisms in River Basin Management – Publication
  4. Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in the Environment – Internet Portal
  5. Environmental Criminal Law in Germany – Publication
  6. State-level Climate Protection Laws in Germany – Presentation
  7. Sustainable Ecosystem Governance in the Baltic Sea Region – 3rd BONUS Symposium
  8. Energy Policy in Germany – Information Tour
  9. Transboundary Water Management Practices amongst Polish and Russian Authorities – Workshop
  10. Student Assistant for the Human Resources Team – Job Opportunity
  1. Implementing Climate Policies at the Local Level – Publication

    This anthology provides an overview of challenges and opportunities for local climate policies with regard to different types of institutions, processes, actors and areas of activity. Researchers from Ecologic Institute and other Ecornet Institutes (Ecological Research Network) describe and analyze in 14 articles how the implementation of the Paris Agreement can be advanced by activities at the local level.

  2. EU Greenhouse Gas Emission Budget – Publication

    Estimates of the EU's greenhouse gas emission budgets for the rest of the century vary considerably but have one thing in common: The EU's emission budget is very small and shrinking rapidly. If the EU's emission budgets were based only on least-costs considerations, it would range between meager 50 Gt (in 1.5°scenarios) or 90 Gt (in 2°C scenarios) for the period 2020 and 2100. With current annual emissions of about 4 Gt, the EU would have used up its 1.5°C budget by about 2032. These new Ecologic Institute report is available for download.

  3. Implementing Redistributive Financial Mechanisms in River Basin Management – Publication

    This report addresses the design and the implementation of two financial instruments which can help increase the financial resources available for water resources management: "water charges" and "payments for ecosystem services". Both instruments involve a greater participation of water users or beneficiaries in covering the costs associated with the provision of the water resources management service. The report is available for download in English and Spanish.

  4. Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in the Environment – Internet Portal

    With this portal the German Environment Agency provides information on how veterinary medicines enter the environment, explains their environmental impact and points out ways to reduce the number of entries. It is aimed at farmers and veterinarians in the livestock sector, in particular for cattle, pigs and poultry. Particular attention is paid to disease prevention measures, as veterinary medicinal products which do not need to be administered cannot enter the environment. The Ecologic Institute was in charge of the conceptual design and content creation for the portal.

  5. Environmental Criminal Law in Germany – Publication

    As an output of the research project "European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime" (EFFACE), which was coordinated by Ecologic Institute, an edited volume entitled "Environmental Crime in Europe" was published by Hart Publishing. Dr. Stephan Sina, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, contributed a chapter on environmental crime in Germany. In this chapter, he describes the legal framework on environmental crime in Germany and assesses its conformity with the EU's Environmental Crime Directive.

  6. State-level Climate Protection Laws in Germany – Presentation

    On 8 December 2017, Dr. Stephan Sina, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, presented a comparative overview of climate change laws at state level in Germany at a workshop on the further development of the Climate Change Act for Baden-Württemberg. He focused on common features and differences in the existing climate change acts, and highlighted elements of interest for the amendment of the Climate Change Act for Baden-Württemberg.

  7. Sustainable Ecosystem Governance in the Baltic Sea Region – 3rd BONUS Symposium

    This final conference will introduce results of four BONUS projects ending in 2018. Novel approaches for managing nutrients, as well as governance approaches for the Baltic Sea region will be presented for discussion. Ecologic Institute will present research results of the BONUS project Soils2Sea. All scientists and stakeholders with a vested interest in sustainable ecosystem-based governance in the Baltic Sea region are invited to join the conference.

  8. Energy Policy in Germany – Information Tour

    Shortly before Christmas 2017, decision makers from the Midwest in the USA and Canada took the opportunity to come to Germany and get a feel for the many different facets and recent developments of German energy policy. The group consisted of US representatives from Illinois, Kansas and Wisconsin, as well as Canadian members of the legislative assembly from Saskatchewan and Manitoba. During the tour, participants were able to meet and engage with representatives from federal ministries and agencies, municipalities, the German parliament, think tanks, as well as businesses and embassies.

  9. Transboundary Water Management Practices amongst Polish and Russian Authorities – Workshop

    The Baltic Sea is among the most polluted water bodies in the world because of poor land and water management in the basin. In many cases, water resources in the Baltic Sea region are transboundary and flow across national borders linking neighbours in management and development challenges. After many years of silence amongst Polish and Russian authorities, a meeting between regional water authorities from Olsztyn in Poland and Kaliningrad Oblask in Russia was arranged in eastern Poland with the support of Ecologic Institute. The event slides are available for download.

  10. Student Assistant for the Human Resources Team – Job Opportunity

    As student assistant you will primarily support our HR team in recruitment processes, as well as work on long-term projects within the human resources department. Applications will solely be accepted until 31 January 2018. Please apply exclusively through our online application form.

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Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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