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Ecologic Newsletter No 182 – November 2017



  1. "Paris Compatible" Governance: long-term policy frameworks to drive transformational change – Publication
  2. Reductions of Specific CO2-emissions of Passenger Cars – Publication
  3. Experiences and Results From Interdisciplinary Collaboration – Publication
  4. Environmental Policy for, with and through People – Presentation
  5. A Helping Hand or a Thorn in the Foot? Nature-based Solutions in European and National Policy Frameworks – Presentation
  6. Transforming Infrastructures towards Sustainability – Presentation
  7. Policy Mixing for Sustainable Resource Use – Presentation
  8. Synergies and Conflicts between EU Policies in the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Presentation
  9. German Climate & Energy Policy – the Road Ahead – Presentation
  10. Water and Innovation: Ecologic Institute at the SWITCH-ON Final Conference and EIP Water Conference – News
  1. "Paris Compatible" Governance: long-term policy frameworks to drive transformational change – Publication

    13 national and sub-national case studies from different parts of the world are presented in this comparative analysis as examples for policy-makers and stakeholders interested in developing long-term climate policy frameworks that are compatible with the Paris Agreement. The analysis is available for download.

  2. Reductions of Specific CO2-emissions of Passenger Cars – Publication

    This short study on the policy instrument of specific CO2-emission targets for car manufacturers in the EU analyses and evaluates the policy instrument. The foci are two questions: How did the instrument perform regarding the reductions of specific CO2-emissions of passenger cars? And how much can it contribute to reduce overall CO2-emissions of passenger transport in the EU, so as to contribute to reaching the target of the Paris agreement to stay below a warming of 2°C? The short study is available for download.

  3. Experiences and Results From Interdisciplinary Collaboration – Publication

    This article illustrates both the potential and challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration amongst researchers from the social sciences/humanities and the natural sciences/engineering in formulating disaster risk reduction measures for coastal regions. The corresponding author, Ecologic Institute's Dr. Grit Martinez, shares her experiences of working across different scientific and engineering disciplines in the EU project RISC-KIT to co-produce disaster risk reduction measures suitable for specific regional and local contexts, in this case two coastal study areas in Europe (Porto Garibaldi, Italy and Rio Formosa, Portugal). The article is available for download.

  4. Environmental Policy for, with and through People – Presentation

    Looking back with a view to the future: Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Environmental Ministry in Baden-Wurttemberg, Minister President Kretschmann and Minister for Environment Untersteller together with keynote speakers Prof. Schneidewind (Wuppertal Institute) and Dr. Bausch (Ecologic Institute) highlighted achievements of the past as well as challenges for the future. While past efforts delivered some important results, current and future trends show the need for far-reaching changes in the way we live and do business.

  5. A Helping Hand or a Thorn in the Foot? Nature-based Solutions in European and National Policy Frameworks – Presentation

    Nature-based solutions (NBS) are increasingly recognised for their potential to contribute to a range of urban challenges and policy objectives. But, to what extent do current policy frameworks support or hinder their implementation? At the international conference on "Nature-based solutions: From Innovation to Common-Use", Ecologic Institute's McKenna Davis addressed this question in a session on 'Blue-green infrasturcture in smart cities'. Held in Tallinn (Estonia) from the 24 to 26 October 2017, the flagship conference was part of the Presidency of the Estonian Republic of the Council of the European Union. The presentation slides are available for download.

  6. Transforming Infrastructures towards Sustainability – Presentation

    The World Resources Forum 2017 entitled "Accelerating the Resource Revolution" was held in Geneva from 24 to 25 October 2017. Ecologic Institute's Mandy Hinzmann presented the TRAFIS project with lessons learnt from ICT-based peer-to-peer carsharing service Drivy in Germany. The presentation slides are available fo download.

  7. Policy Mixing for Sustainable Resource Use – Presentation

    During the World Resources Forum 2017 Ecologic Institute's Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers reflected on the conception and evaluation of policy mixes for resource conservation based on the experiences of the SimRess project. The presentation slides are available for download.

  8. Synergies and Conflicts between EU Policies in the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive – Presentation

    As part of the FP7 MARS e-conference on the "Future of Water Management in Europe: Reviewing the WFD implementation", Dr. Josselin Rouillard presented an overview of key synergies and conflicts between EU policies in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). After presenting the variety of relevant EU policies, he presented key results from the H2020 project Aquacross on policy integration in EU water polices and the challenges of mainstreaming water policy in sectoral policies. He then presented in more detail the outcomes of a survey of Rural Development Programmes and their contribution to supporting the objectives of the WFD. All presentations and videos from the MARS e-Conference are available online.

  9. German Climate & Energy Policy – the Road Ahead – Presentation

    George Mason University's "German Campus Weeks" program, sponsored by the German embassy, featured a presentation on climate and energy policy by Ecologic Institute's Elizabeth Zelljadt. She explained Germany's energy transition (Energiewende) and the country's role in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to about 40 undergraduates.

  10. Water and Innovation: Ecologic Institute at the SWITCH-ON Final Conference and EIP Water Conference – News

    In the final week of September, Ecologic Institute and its partners in the FP7 Research Project SWITCH-ON were in Porto (Portugal) to celebrate the final General Assembly of the project and showcase its results at the EIP Water Conference of the European Commission. The presentation slides are available online.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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