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Case Study Assessment Report – Rostock

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Case Study Assessment Report – Rostock


Albrecht, S., Schock, M. (2015): Individual Case Study Assessment Report – Rostock. European Union FP7: POCACITO - Post-carbon cities in Europe: A long-term outlook under the grant agreement n° 613286. WP3 Deliverable.

This assessment report gives an overview of the key indicators for the POCACITO (Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow) case study of Rostock. This mid-sized city is located in Central Europe on the north-east coast of Germany. Rostock is a regional centre and coastal city. The assessment provides an outline of some of its main challenges and opportunities. The report was used in the POCACITO project for workshops with stakeholders in Rostock on vision building and back-casting to derive a 2050 roadmap as well as a scenario modelling on Rostocks measures for climate change mitigation.

The data was collected in a bottom-up approach through the local authorities, mainly the environmental agency of Rostock, and a top-down approach through statistical data and other relevant documents. One major data source was the town hall website1 and the yearbook "Statistisches Jahrbuch Hansestadt Rostock 2013". As Rostock is a master plan commune for 100% climate protection, it has already gathered much relevant data.

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Stefanie Albrecht
Michael Schock
25 pp.
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Rostock, Germany