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Ecologic Newsletter No 179 – August 2017



  1. Smarter, Greener, more Inclusive? – Publication
  2. A Practice-oriented Framework for Evaluating Changes in Ecosystem Services – DESSIN Cookbook
  3. Linking Biodiversity to Economic and Social Priorities – Regional Workshop
  4. NATURVATION – Website Launch
  5. The Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) Toolbox – Publication
  6. Economic and Social Analysis for Marine Assessments – Panel Discussion
  7. Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity Across the Marine Realm – Presentation
  8. Sustainable Diets – Panel Discussion
  9. The Contribution of a Sustainable Economy to the Sustainable Development Goals – SustEcon Conference
  10. Ecologic Institute is Looking to Hire – Job Opportunities
  1. Smarter, Greener, more Inclusive? – Publication

    On 19 July 2017, Eurostat published its most recent flagship publication "Smarter, greener, more inclusive?". The report assesses the EU's progress in implementing the Europe 2020 strategy. Commissioned by Eurostat, Katharina Umpfenbach of Ecologic Institute edited the chapter on climate change and energy. It discusses progress towards the so-called 20-20-20 targets which aim at cutting EU greenhouse gas emissions, increasing renewable energy supply, and improving energy efficiency. The report is available for download.

  2. A Practice-oriented Framework for Evaluating Changes in Ecosystem Services – DESSIN Cookbook

    The DESSIN Ecosystem Services (ESS) Evaluation Framework is a methodology used to systematically assess the impacts of innovative solutions to water-related challenges taking into account environmental, economic and social perspectives. The framework consists of the DESSIN Cookbook, a Companion Document, a Supplementary Material File and a Case Reporting Template. The framework is aimed at decision-makers, practitioners and technology developers who want to evaluate the potential impacts of new technologies and water management measures on freshwater ecosystems and their services. The documents are available for download.

  3. Linking Biodiversity to Economic and Social Priorities – Regional Workshop

    Reconciling economic priorities with biodiversity conservation remains a key challenge for EU Member States in their efforts to pursue sustainable growth. A workshop on "Linking Biodiversity to National Economic and Social Priorities in EU Member States" was held by Ecologic Institute and IEEP in Berlin (Germany) on 19 July 2017 to explore this challenge in more detail and identify opportunities for unlocking nature's potential to contribute to socio-economic objectives. The presentations are available for download.

  4. NATURVATION – Website Launch

    The NATURVATION Project has launched its website, which offers information on the project, nature-based solutions, six city profiles and much more. Alongside news and information about the project, the new website includes a blog, which will update readers on NATURVATION research and outputs as the project progresses.

  5. The Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) Toolbox – Publication

    This article describes the functionality of the Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) toolbox, which was developed in order to operationalize the design and implementation of adaptive policies on the basis of the Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA). It aims at providing policy makers with a practical framework to design and implement adaptive policies. The authors, among them Ecologic Institute's Benjamin Boteler and Ina Krüger, summarize the results of the application of the toolbox to the marine litter issue in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The article is available for download.

  6. Economic and Social Analysis for Marine Assessments – Panel Discussion

    What is the importance of the Baltic Sea marine environment to society? How do human activities contribute to national and regional economies? How does the state of the marine environment contribute to the well-being of current and future generations? The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) brought together around 800 players active in the Baltic Sea region to reflect on common challenges, the EU Strategy and its objectives. Ecologic Institute's Benjamin Boteler was invited to participate as a panelist at the HELCOM session "Latest status of the sea revealed" held on 13 June.

  7. Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity Across the Marine Realm – Presentation

    Is the existing EU policy framework fit to protect and restore marine biodiversity? Could an upstream approach such as ecosystem-based management be the key to coordinating environmental policies? At the Future Oceans conference titled "Advances in Integrated Ocean Research towards Sustainable Development" held in Kiel (Germany) from 2 until 7 July 2017, Ecologic Institute's Katrina Abhold and Lina Röschel gave short, energetic talks that addressed exactly these pressing issues in the fields of marine science and policy.

  8. Sustainable Diets – Panel Discussion

    More than 450 decision-makers discussed the urgent matters of our time during the "World Food Convention 2017", where the Ecologic Institute was a partner. Stephanie Wunder, Ecologic Institute's Senior Fellow, joined the World Food Convention's panel on "Human Eating Behaviour" in June 2017. She pointed out that eating behavior can be changed and diets can be healthier and more environmentally friendly at the same time. However, as she underlined, we should not trust that the informed consumer will simply change the system, and that we need to make it easier for people to live healthier: provide access to good foods, get the prices right and reconnect people to the food system.

  9. The Contribution of a Sustainable Economy to the Sustainable Development Goals – SustEcon Conference

    The international "SustEcon Conference" organised by the NaWiKo consortium will take place on 25 and 26 September 2017 in Berlin (Germany). The focus of the conference will be on the contributions of the sustainable economy to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A further topic of interest will be the (political) framework conditions and barriers to a sustainable economy as well as the contribution of science to the SDGs. Further information as well as the possibility to register for the conference can be found on the SustEcon conference website.

  10. Ecologic Institute is Looking to Hire – Job Opportunities

    • Researcher for Climate and Energy Policy
      As Researcher, you will support our team by working on projects related to national, European and international climate and energy policy. Additionally, you will support the acquisition processes of new projects within this field.
    • Junior Researcher for Climate and Energy Policy
      As Junior Researcher, you will support our team by working on projects related to European and international climate and energy policy. Medium-term, you will additionally aid in acquisition processes for new projects within this field.
    • Web-Developer with Drupal-Skills
      Our Web Developers advise clients and project teams on website concepts, structural design and technical usefulness. Additionally, they take on technical assistance, maintenance and development for the Institute website. As Drupal Web Developer, you will primarily work and hold exchange with Mr. Christian Bruhn, our senior web developer.
    • HR Administrator
      As HR administrator you will support our HR team through operative staff management and will take on additional tasks, such as organizing new staff entrances and managing appointments.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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