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The Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) Toolbox

AMP Toolbox - Policy Kreislauf

The Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) Toolbox

Supporting Policy-Makers Developing Adaptive Policies in the Mediterranean and Black Sea


Garmendia, M. et al. (2017): The Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) toolbox: Supporting policy-makers

developing adaptive policies in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Marine Policy Journal Vol. 84.

This article describes the functionality of the Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) toolbox, which was developed in order to operationalize the design and implementation of adaptive policies on the basis of the Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA). It aims at providing policy makers with a practical framework to design and implement adaptive policies. The authors, among them Ecologic Institute's Benjamin Boteler and Ina Krüger, summarize the results of the application of the toolbox to the marine litter issue in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The article is available for download.

As adaptive management is essential to the practical application of EBA, the toolbox can be used to build a science-policy interface according to EBA and provide a practical and useful starting point to support the application of the necessary steps and key activities.

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Benjamin Boteler
Ina Krüger
Maialen Garmendia (BC3)
Didier Sauzade (PB)
Nicola Beaumont (PML)
Marta Pascual (BC3)
Taos Boudine (PB)
Margaretha Breil (CMCC)
Elisa Furlan (Università Ca'Foscari)
Areti Kontogianni (UOWM)
Julien Le Tellier (PB)
Emma Gileva (BSNN)
David March (SOCIB)
Gerda Roeleveld (Deltares)
Paolo Ronco (CMCC)
Aleksandar Shivarov (BSNN)
Mihalis Skourtos (AUA)
Anil Markandya (BC3)
Published in
Marine Policy Journal, Volume 84, 2017
Published by
11 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
Adaptive Management, Ecosystem-Based Approach, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox, Marine litter
Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea