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Ecologic Newsletter No 30 - August 2005

Ecologic Newsletter No 30 - August 2005

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. The National Climate Protection Program - Consequences for Climate Policy, Emissions Trading and Sectors not covered in Emissions Trading
  2. Contributions to Generational Accounting to Assess Sustainability - Dinner Dialogue
  3. CAT+E reports on trade and environment available for download
  4. Possible Contributions of the ESA Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Initiative for the WFD Implementation - Publication
  5. Ecologic receives Special Consultative Status from ECOSOC
  6. Ecologic Transatlantic Interns in 2005

1. The National Climate Protection Program - Consequences for Climate Policy, Emissions Trading and Sectors not covered in Emissions Trading

The new National Climate Protection Program, as agreed upon by the federal government on 13 July, was the subject of the “Climate Talk” on 13 August 2005. Experts from business, science and politics discussed the economic and political meaning of the program, particularly against the backdrop of emissions trading, Germany’s (formerly) leading role in climate protection and Germany’s 2012-emissions-reduction-goals. Presentations were given by Astrid Harnisch (Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Protection, BMU), Regine Günther (WWF) and Sven Reinhardt (CDU/CSU-faction).

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2. Contributions to Generational Accounting to Assess Sustainability - Dinner Dialogue

“In East Germany, there are negligibly successful regions right next to areas that must deal with continual population decline in the future. There are also regions in West Germany that will have to fight against similar developments. A shrinking population cannot be maintained without negative consequences on employment and economic development in these regions.” With this statement from Reiner Klingholz, Director of the Berlin Institute for Population and Development, the Dinner Dialogue “Contributions to Generational Accounting to Assess Sustainability” commenced on 11 August 2005.

3. CAT+E reports on trade and environment available for download

The EU-funded CAT+E project (Concerted Action on Trade and Environment) is a three year concerted action to promote dialogue and debate between European research institutes on interlinkages between trade and environmental issues. As one of the principal actors of the CAT+E network, Ecologic has published a number of reports concerning such topics as trade in services, Sustainability Impact Assessments of trade agreements, multilateral environmental agreements and the WTO. The reports are now available to for download.

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4. Possible Contributions of ESA Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Initiative for the WFD Implementation - Publication

Policy makers are increasingly in need of accurate and timely information in order to meet reporting requirements linked to environmental legislation. This paper explores the extent to which Earth Observation (EO) based services, addressed by the joint ESA and EC initiative ”Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES)“, can contribute to meeting the special reporting requirements of the major European Union water policy, namely the Water Framework Directive (WFD).

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5. Ecologic receives Special Consultative Status from ECOSOC

Given Ecologic’s expertise in the area of international and European environmental policy, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) decided in July 2005 to grant Special Consultative Status to Ecologic. ECOSOC is the principal organ to coordinate the economic, social, and related work of the UN specialised agencies and functional and regional commissions.

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6. Ecologic Transatlantic Interns in 2005

Ecologic is pleased to host Matthew Collins, Elizabeth Durney, David Huberman, Nellie McAdams and Brian West as Transatlantic Interns in 2005. Since 1996, Ecologic's Transatlantic Internship Program (ETAI) has provided interns from the US and Canada with an opportunity to work with Ecologic. ETAI is part of Ecologic‘s larger Transatlantic Program, designed to strengthen transatlantic relations in the field of environmental policy.

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