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Ecologic Newsletter No 175 – April 2017



  1. Mitigating Veterinary Compounds of Agricultural Origin – Publication
  2. Creating Networks for the Transition to a Bio-based and Circular Economy – BioSTEP Policy Paper
  3. Safeguarding Consistency and Harmonization of Assumptions when Simulating Resource Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Publication
  4. Definition of a Data Collection Process for Bottom-up Monitoring – Publication
  5. Analysis of Selected Climate Protection Scenarios for European Countries – Publication
  6. Tool Concept for the Assessment of Low-Carbon Development Strategies – Publication
  7. Adapting to Climate Change – Publication
  8. Science Sips on Citizen Science and Plastic – Event
  9. River Basin Adaptation Planning through Stakeholder Engagement – Event
  10. Ecologic Institute is Looking to Hire – Job Opportunities
  1. Mitigating Veterinary Compounds of Agricultural Origin – Publication

    Veterinary pharmaceuticals and their transformation products have gained increasing attention as environmental contaminants in both scientific and public spheres. A multidisciplinary research team led by Ecologic Institute identified and analyzed measures that contribute to reduce the input of veterinary pharmaceuticals into the environment. A publication, presenting the project's results, compiles existing approaches and measures for reducing the entry of veterinary pharmaceuticals into the environment, and derives additional measures of relevance for the environment. By way of literature and media research, more than 40 measures to reduce veterinary pharmaceutical input from agriculture into the environment were identified, their effectiveness assessed and – in a dialogue with stakeholders – given top priority. The publication is available for download.

  2. Creating Networks for the Transition to a Bio-based and Circular Economy – BioSTEP Policy Paper

    After two years of research and stakeholder consultation, the BioSTEP consortium, led by Ecologic Institute, finalized the BioSTEP policy paper. This paper concludes five recommendations, aiming to support the revision of the European Bioeconomy Strategy. These recommendations were amended and complemented at the BioSTEP Forum, which was held in Brussels in March 2016. The policy paper is available for download.

  3. Safeguarding Consistency and Harmonization of Assumptions when Simulating Resource Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Publication

    Simulation models play an important role for assessing the potential effects of (resource) policy instruments. A recent publication documents the presentations and discussions held during an expert workshop entitled "Simulation of resource use and resource policy" (April 2016, Berlin), which discussed the reasons and conditions under which different simulation models yield similar or different results. The reader is available for download.

  4. Definition of a Data Collection Process for Bottom-up Monitoring – Publication

    Efficient energy policies rely strongly on consistent and comparable data provided by a sound data collection process and robust monitoring and verification (M&V) procedures. The third multEE policy brief presents five concrete policy recommendations to guarantee an efficient data collection process as well as a systematic M&V process of the measures. The policy brief is available for download.

  5. Analysis of Selected Climate Protection Scenarios for European Countries – Publication

    This paper explores six climate protection studies, namely for France, Italy, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom and Germany. The authors, among them Ecologic Institute's Lena Donat, analyze objectives, results, modeling approaches, main assumptions and input parameters. The inclusions of long-term strategies in the Paris Agreement and in the European Commission’s proposal for a new regulation on the "Governance of the Energy Union" make this analysis very topical. The analysis is available for download.

  6. Tool Concept for the Assessment of Low-Carbon Development Strategies – Publication

    The 2015 Paris Agreement requires the world's countries to overhaul fossil-fuel based economies and transition to low-carbon societies by mid-century - and asks that all develop national long-term strategies towards that end. Ecologic Institute has developed a concept for the evaluation of such long-term climate strategies for the project MaxiMiseR, run by WWF, which has now published results for the EU countries based on elements of this concept. The concept is available for download.

  7. Adapting to Climate Change – Publication

    The Mediterranean Basin is extremely vulnerable to climate change. It is already experiencing the effects of higher-than-average temperatures and the increasing incidence of extreme events such as unprecedented heat waves, severe droughts and major floods. A new book co-written by Katriona McGlade examines the water-related impacts of climate and global change in the UNESCO Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean (IBRM) that straddles Spain and Morocco.

  8. Science Sips on Citizen Science and Plastic – Event

    Ever tried oysters from a natural heritage site, or discussed plastics pollution of the oceans while sipping seaweed cocktails? The second Science Sips event takes place on 28 April 2017 at the Berlin Museum for Natural History and features talks on the topics citizen science and plastic in the ocean. The event series is part of the Science Year 2016*17 – Seas and Oceans, and addresses the challenges and opportunities for sustainable use of marine ecosystems. Culinary partners will serve street food snacks made from sustainable seafood to inspire the participants to integrate lessons-learned into their own lifestyle. Registration is still open.

  9. River Basin Adaptation Planning through Stakeholder Engagement – Event

    Engaging stakeholders in adaptation planning is widely considered to enhance the degree of acceptance and political relevance of environmental policy measures; yet significant room exists for improvement in the design and implementation of stakeholder participation in decision-making processes. A European Policy Event entitled "Implementing COP22 agreements: River basin adaptation planning through stakeholder engagement" was organized by Ecologic Institute within the EU-funded BeWater project to address this topic. The event's key messages and European policy recommendations are available for download.

  10. Ecologic Institute is Looking to Hire – Job Opportunities

    • Fully Qualified Lawyer in the Field of Climate Law
      As a Fully Qualified Lawyer with a focus on climate protection law, you are in a position to support the further development of climate protection and energy law as well as the EU emissions trading system, including European and international law, to assess legal assessments on current issues of climate protection and energy law and advise on climate protection and emissions trading.
    • Junior Researcher in the Field of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
      As a Junior Researcher working in the field of biodiversity and ecosystem services, you would support our team in the preparation of current projects with a particular focus on the following three topic-areas: (1) management of aquatic biodiversity (freshwater, coastal and marine), (2) the delivery of ecosystem services by green and blue infrastructure and (3) nature-based solutions.

Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363

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