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Ecologic Newsletter No 26 - April 2005

Ecologic Newsletter No 26 - April 2005

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Towards a Stronger System of International Environmental Governance - Conference
  2. Common Agricultural Policy & Water Framework Directive (CAP & WFD)
  3. Transatlantic Climate Dinners - Wine & Ideas from the New World – Series of events
  4. Legal aspects of User Charges on Global Environmental Goods - Workshop
  5. Specific Needs of Developing Countries - Design Option for a UNEO – Policy Paper online
  6. Ecologic's 10th Anniversary
  7. Photos – People – Stories of Sustainability

1. Towards a Stronger System of International Environmental Governance - Conference

A French Initiative launched in 2003 refueled the debate about upgrading UNEP to a United Nation Environment Organisation (UNEO). In this context, Ecologic, in co-operation with IDDRI, organises a conference in May 2005. It is the conference's objective to discuss and explore the potential benefits of a UNEO. Nobel Peace Prize Winner in 2004, Prof. Wangari Maathai as well as Federal Minister of Environment, Juergen Trittin, will be among the conference's speakers.

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2. Common Agricultural Policy & Water Framework Directive (CAP & WFD)

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD) are two of the major policies in Europe influencing strongly environmental issues. Within this sixth Framework Programme (FP6) project Ecologic and the Warsaw Agricultural University (SGGW) are two of the first institutions analysing the legal and organisational interlinkages between both policies in order to elaborate future synergies and linkages. For this purpose, several background notes and policy briefs will be developed and presented at the stakeholders and policy makers Conference "WFD meets CAP - Opportunities for the future". The Conference will be held in March 2006 and aims to identify and to provide recommendations on the possible synergies while implementing, planning, financing and controlling the various requirements of the WFD and the CAP.

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3. Transatlantic Climate Dinners - Wine & Ideas from the New World – Series of Events

This series of events brings U.S. climate policy experts together with German senior experts from policy-making, research, civil society and business. The aim is to discuss policies, strategies and recent developments and to exchange views in an informal yet exclusive atmosphere. Transatlantic Climate Dinners are part of Ecologic’s Dinner Dialogue series and are supported by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).

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4. Legal aspects of User Charges on Global Environmental Goods - Workshop

International airspace and the high seas are global environmental goods with traditionally unrestricted access. The ensuing environmental impact can be addressed through user charges for air- and sea-traffic. The project, which is carried out by Ecologic on behalf of the German Federal Environmental Agency, assesses legal conditions for the application of such charges in international, European Community and domestic law. The outcomes of the project will be presented and discussed at a workshop to be held on 30 May 2005.

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5. Specific Needs of Developing Countries - Design Option for a UNEO – Policy Paper online

In this project, Ecologic analyses the specific challenges for developing countries in implementing international environmental policies. Based on the findings Ecologic designs options for a future United Nations Environmental Organisation (UNEO). The project's policy paper is available for download.

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6. Ecologic's 10th Anniversary

We proudly announce Ecologic's 10th anniversary. When the Institute was established in 1995, environment, sustainable development, European integration and multilateral co-operation were not high on the political agenda. Growing in spite of these circumstances, Ecologic has become a strong voice for environment and sustainable development in European integration and international relations, and a voice for co-ordinated international and European responses to environmental challenges. We wish to thank all of those who in manifold ways have helped Ecologic become what it is today. Please, feel free to visit our anniversary website and leave your personal message for Ecologic in the guestbook.

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7. Photos – People – Stories of Sustainability

Sustainability means leaving a world for the following generations which is environmentally, socially, and economically intact. Many people are active every day all over the world working toward these goals. With the international "Facing Sustainability Award", the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) intends to invite professional photographers and amateurs to highlight these individuals and to tell their stories. They might be a celebrity or the next door neighbour, a student or a member of a project team.

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