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Transatlantic Climate Dinners – Wine & Ideas from the New World

Transatlantic Climate Dinners – Wine & Ideas from the New World

Transatlantic Climate Dinners – Wine & Ideas from the New World


gmfTransatlantic Climate Dinners - Wine & Ideas from the New World will bring U.S. climate policy experts together with their German counterparts to discuss policies, strategies and recent developments in the climate debate in an informal yet private atmosphere.  Dinner participants will include senior experts from government, research, civil society, and business.  Transatlantic Climate Dinners are part of Ecologic’s Dinner Dialogue series and are supported by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is an American institution that stimulates the exchange of ideas and promotes cooperation between the United States and Europe in the spirit of the postwar Marshall Plan. GMF seeks to lessen the growing transatlantic environmental differences by strengthening transatlantic cooperation among policy institutions, NGOs, and individuals concerned with the environment.

The Transatlantic Climate Dinners open up a new window for much-needed bilateral communication between Germans and Americans. They offer an opportunity to exchange views among high-level representatives and opinion-leaders, while taking place in an informal atmosphere and thus providing the chance of bypassing the fixed positions in official consultations and negotiations. By learning about both shared values and differing national approaches, the dinners provide a forum for developing new ideas. The exchange of opinions and the meeting of experts from both countries fosters the network building that can lead to reaching common approaches and goals.


The objectives of the series of Transatlantic Climate Dinners are to:

  • Open lines of communication between the United States and Germany
  • Exchange ideas and practices for addressing climate change
  • Foster thoughtful and engaging debate by providing opportunities to hear differing and sometimes controversial political perspectives
  • Identifying areas of common ground that could serve as a basis for working towards US-German convergence on climate policy
  • Discuss ways for future cooperation

In this spirit, Ecologic has already hosted  several Dinner Dialogues on climate issues with U.S. guests, which received very positive feedback. The Transatlantic Climate Dinners - Wine & Ideas from the New World series allows a continuation of this dialogue in a systematic way.

The topics in the individual Dinner Dialogues will be selected in agreement with the guest speaker and according to current policy developments. Summaries of the Dinner Dialogues will be published on this website.

The Transatlantic Climate Dinners take place in the restaurant Kaisersaal of Lutter&Wegner at the Potsdamer Platz. 

Transatlantic Climate Dinner: Life at tipping point - Legislative climate policies at the state level - Jim Marzilli

16 March 2006, Berlin

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Transatlantic Climate Dinner: The New US Energy Policy Act between Climate Policy and State Action - Susan F. Tierney

20 Februar 2006, Berlin

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Transatlantic Climate Dinner: US Energy and Climate Policy: Legislative Mandates after EU Carbon Trading and Montreal - Lee Lane

14 December 2005, Berlin

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Lecture: Feed-In Tariffs’ and Eco-Taxes’ Contributions to Innovation - Experiences from Germany

12 October 2005, Washington D.C. - Markus Knigge

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Transatlantic Climate Dinner: Engaging the Climate Behemoths: Transforming Energy Policy in America and China - William K. Reilly 

6 September 2005, Berlin

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Transatlantic Climate Dinner: Air Emissions Cap&Trade Programs: Revolution and Evolution in the U.S. – Sam Napolitano

19 April 2005, Berlin

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Workshop: Carbon trading across national boundaries

19 April 2005, Berlin

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Transatlantic Conference on Energy Policy

3-4 April 2005, Washington

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R. Andreas Kraemer
Founder and Director Emeritus, Ecologic Institute
Visiting Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor, Duke University
Initiator and Convenor, Arctic Summer College
Stefanie Wurm
Project ID
climate, policy, environment, transatlantic, relation, Kyoto