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Developing Ambitious Climate Protection Scenarios for Europe

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Developing Ambitious Climate Protection Scenarios for Europe


The research project analyses and evaluates 2050 climate protection scenarios for different Member States of the European Union. The aim is to trigger a debate how to achieve a transformation towards a sustainable and low-carbon economy in the European Union.

Ecologic Institute identifies ambitious climate protection scenarios that have been developed for EU Member States. These scenarios should fulfil at least one of the following criteria:

  • Reduction of the annual per capita emissions to around 2tCO2 equivalent by 2050
  • Reduction of annual greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels
  • Reduction of final energy demand by 40% compared to 1990 levels
  • 100% of electricity stems from renewable sources in 2050

Subsequently, the project analyses and evaluates climate protection scenartios for Germany and five other EU Member States (Poland, Italy, United Kingdom, France and Sweden), assessing the level of ambition, approaches and underlying assumptions. The objective is to identify differences and similarities and hence potential synergies and conflicts across these scenarios. The project will also develop a criteria catalogue for the assessment of scenarios.

Based on these findings, Ecologic Institute develops a strategy of how greenhouse gas neutralitycould be achieved by 2050 at European level, and how a respective debate could be fostered with relevant actors.

The publication of findings in scientific journals as well as the presentation of findings at international conferences allows to provide inputs to a European debate, already during the course of the project.


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Lena Donat, LLM
Ennid Roberts, LLM
Robert Ostwald
Project ID
Decarbonisation, greenhouse gas neutrality, transformation, climate protection scenarios, mitigation scenarios, mitigation targets, 2050, EU Member States, scenarios, energy, technological development, behavioural change
European Union, European Union Member States, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Poland