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Decarbonization of Finance


Decarbonization of Finance


Ecologic Institute, DC 2015: Decarbonization of Finance. Washington, DC.

For more than a quarter century, cutting-edge professionals in Germany and the United States have laid the foundation for a fundamental transformation of the financial industry. Due to their foresight and creativity, the world economy is poised to transition from a fossil fuel-oriented past to a sustainable, clean energy future. Several questions, however, still require answers. How can new opportunities be dynamically leveraged? What new risks are involved and how can they be managed? How best can ESG and sustainability indicators be quantified and integrated into the decision making process? And how do we move forward confidently amidst regulatory and policy uncertainty? Our goal was to determine what questions we should be asking as we set the stage for further research and dialogue, putting those of us committed to protecting the environment and the expansion of prosperity in position to create a dynamic and sustainable future.

It was an honor to kick off Ecologic Institute’s new research area, sustainable finance, with an evening symposium hosted by the Consulate General of Germany in New York City on 21 October 2015, under the banner The Decarbonization of Finance.

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24 pp.
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finance, decarbonization, climate risk, stranded assets
USA, Germany