This project convened about 350 participants from business, politics, academia and civil society in a series of 10 events. Ministers of Environment of the respective host country opened these meetings. These events were intended to prepare the ground for further discussion in the new EU Member States (NMS) and Candidate Countries (CC) on further climate change action (post-2012) and to create additional public awareness.
The project produced a number of recommendations for future climate change policies [pdf, 80 KB, English] that can be downloaded.
The aims of the project were:
- to create a network of stakeholders (NGOs, business, think tanks) and policy makers from the NMS and CC,
- to build capacity in the NMS and the CC for the post-2012 negotiations on further action, and thereby
- to facilitate the development of an EU strategy for the post-2012 climate change negotiations in order to contribute to the general debate on the future global climate change policy.