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Supporting Delivery of Climate Ambition Through the Energy Union


Supporting Delivery of Climate Ambition Through the Energy Union

What is needed from Member States' National Energy Plans?


ClientEarth, Ecologic Institute, IDDRI (2015): Supporting delivery of climate ambition through the Energy Union: What is needed from Member States' National Energy Plans?

The briefing "Supporting delivery of climate ambition through the Energy Union: What is needed from Member States' National Energy Plans?" presents key messages from three research papers that have considered the options for reforming planning and reporting, and related issues that are fundamental to the development of credible governance arrangements for the Energy Union.

The key messages of the research papers which the briefing presents in detail are the following:

An effective P&R system covering all Energy Union objectives needs to serve many different functions, which a single national plan may not be able to provide – a modular structure should be deployed. Furthermore, arrangements for both the development of national plans, as well as reporting, need to be firmly anchored in legislation, and conform to the principles of good governance. In addition, Energy Union governance arrangements must facilitate the development of forward-looking low carbon plans for 2050.

The research papers and the report are available for download.


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6 pp.
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