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1998 ODS Data in the European Union

1998 ODS Data in the European Union

1998 ODS Data in the European Union


Oberthür, Sebastian 2000: 1998 ODS Data in the European Union. Final Report to the European Commission, DG Environment. Ecologic - Centre for International and European Environmental Research, Berlin.

Ecologic analysed and compared different sources of data on the production and trade in Ozone Depleting Substances. Reporting data on production, imports and exports of ozone depleting substances (ODS) is one of the most fundamental bases for checking compliance with the Montreal Protocol. There are different sources for generating the necessary data. The European Commission has generally relied on the reporting by producers and importers/exporters as required under Article 17 of Regulation (EC) 3093/94 to generate the needed information. These data have provided the basis for submitting the annual data required under Article 7 of the Montreal Protocol to the Secretariat of the Protocol in Nairobi.

Continuing rumours and allegations of illegal trade in ODS involving the European Union have led to an increased interest in gaining knowledge about the accuracy of available sources of data on ODS production and trade. Against this backdrop, the European Commission commissioned Ecologic to investigate into, and compare, different sources of data on production of and trade in ODS. This effort was aimed at assessing the accuracy of data reported to the Commission and other data sources, identifying discrepancies that might exist between different data sources, analysing possible shortcomings in the data reporting system and ascertaining whether and how improvements might be made. Ecologic engaged in this effort starting in November 1999. Different data sources were reviewed and analysed as to their comparability, including licences and quotas granted by the Commission, data reported by relevant companies (producers, importers/exporters and users of ODS), and customs data made available by Eurostat.



23 pp.
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