SmartSOIL: Sustainable Soil Management Aimed at Reducing Threats to Soils under Climate Change - Final Conference
- Event
- Date
- Location
- Brussels, Belgium
On 30 September 2015, the conference "SmartSOIL: sustainable soil management aimed at reducing threats to soils under climate change" took place in Brussels. The conference concluded the 4-year research project SmartSOIL funded by the 7th Framework Programme.
Farming practices that lead to declining returns and inputs of carbon (C) to soils pose a threat to soil quality and ecosystem services that soils deliver. In the SmartSOIL project, an innovative approach using the soil C flow and stocks concept has been used to assess the impact of C management on crop productivity, soil organic C stocks and other ecosystem services. The project developed a decision support tool and toolbox to enable farmers, advisors and policy makers to discuss and select the most appropriate and cost-effective practices for different farming systems and regions in Europe.
At the final conference, the results of the project were presented and a lively discussion took place about the implications and opportunities for policy-makers and practitioners. The event brought together representatives of the European Commission, European Parliament, farmer unions and advisory services, NGOs, Member States and regional authorities, as well as researchers.
Presentations of the conference as well as further information on the project can be found on the project website.