- Climate Policy Info Hub – Launch of Knowledge Platform
- Screening Assessment of Draft Second Cycle River Basin Management Plans – Publication
- Smarter, Greener, more Inclusive? – Publication
- Dare to Drink? Emerging Pollutants in Our Water – Video
- Manual on Site Specific Evaluations of the Efficiency of Fish Protection and Bypass Systems – Publication
- The Relationship between International Environmental and Trade Agreements – Presentation
- Nature-Based Solutions – The Case of Sustainable Urbanization – Presentation
- Effective Stakeholder Dialogues for Sustainable Raw Materials Management in the Future – COBALT Closing Conference
- The Energy Transition in Germany – Canadian-German Study Tour
Ecologic Newsletter No 151 – April 2015
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Climate Policy Info Hub – Launch of Knowledge Platform
- Screening Assessment of Draft Second Cycle River Basin Management Plans – Publication
- Smarter, Greener, more Inclusive? – Publication
- Dare to Drink? Emerging Pollutants in Our Water – Video
- Manual on Site Specific Evaluations of the Efficiency of Fish Protection and Bypass Systems – Publication
- The Relationship between International Environmental and Trade Agreements – Presentation
- Nature-Based Solutions – The Case of Sustainable Urbanization – Presentation
- Effective Stakeholder Dialogues for Sustainable Raw Materials Management in the Future – COBALT Closing Conference
- The Energy Transition in Germany – Canadian-German Study Tour
Climate Policy Info Hub – Launch of Knowledge Platform
Do you need a quick overview of climate targets in the EU? Or have you wanted to find out about stakeholder perspectives on the EU Emissions Trading System? The Climate Policy Info Hub is an online knowledge platform that offers evidence and information on our current climate policy options. It explores the impacts and implications of international and EU climate policy for decision-makers in policy, business, and civil society. The aim of the knowledge platform is to support and inform science-based EU climate policy-making. Ecologic Institute is responsible for the concept, design, programming and content production management of the Climate Policy Info Hub.
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Screening Assessment of Draft Second Cycle River Basin Management Plans – Publication
What progress have EU Member States made in implementing the Water Framework Directive between the first (2009) and the second cycle (2015) of river basin management planning? A consultant's report co-authored by Ecologic Institute provides initial insights on the basis of a screening assessment of the second River Basin Management Plans draft, prepared for the fourth European Water Conference. The report is available for download.
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Smarter, Greener, more Inclusive? – Publication
On 2 March 2015, Eurostat published its most recent Flagship Publication 'Smarter, greener, more inclusive?'. The report, commissioned by Eurostat, assesses the EU's progress in implementing the Europe 2020 strategy. Commissioned by Eurostat, Andreas Prahl, Katharina Umpfenbach and Eike Velten of Ecologic Institute edited the chapter on climate change and energy. It discusses progress towards the so-called 20-20-20 targets which aim at cutting EU greenhouse gas emissions, increasing renewable energy supply and improving energy efficiency. The report is available for download.
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Dare to Drink? Emerging Pollutants in Our Water – Video
Is your drinking water clean? Is it safe to drink? In the last two decades, the presence of new chemical compounds called emerging pollutants has been detected in wastewater, aquatic environments, and drinking water. Emerging pollutants result from a variety of human processes and do not break down easily and therefore accumulate in our environment. The animation illustrates what emerging pollutants are, how they enter water sources, and what role individuals can take in improving the quality of their drinking water. Watch the animation and please share it!
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Manual on Site Specific Evaluations of the Efficiency of Fish Protection and Bypass Systems – Publication
The aim of this manual is to promote significant, comparable evaluations of the efficiency of fish protection and bypass systems. Standardized evaluation principles are defined and the manual constitutes a framework for an objective evaluation process. The developed planning, investigation and evaluation processes provide a base for consistent study results to improve the scientific knowledge and to optimize effective site specific solutions. The manual was developed by a consortium including FLUSS, IGF and Profish. Ecologic Institute was significantly involved in the concept and design of the manual's infographics.
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The Relationship between International Environmental and Trade Agreements – Presentation
On 10 April 2015, Christiane Gerstetter, Senior Fellow in Ecologic Institute's legal team, gave a presentation on the relationship between international trade and environmental agreements at a conference of the Protestant Academy Hofgeismar. The conference centered on the topic "Natural enemies – Environmental protection and free global trade as a legal and political problem." The presentation slides are available for download.
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Nature-Based Solutions – The Case of Sustainable Urbanization – Presentation
Invited by the BfN (Federal Agency for Nature Conservation) and ENCA (European Network of Heads of Nature Conservation Agencies), Sandra Naumann, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, gave a presentation titled "Nature-Based Solutions – The Case of Sustainable Urbanization". Drawing on the outcomes from the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities commissioned by DG Research & Innovation of the European Commission, in which Sandra Naumann took part, the talk outlined the EU Research and Innovation Agenda on nature-based solutions (NBS) with a particular focus on sustainable urbanization. The presentation slides are available for download.
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Effective Stakeholder Dialogues for Sustainable Raw Materials Management in the Future – COBALT Closing Conference
The COBALT project closing conference, "Sustainable raw materials management in Europe – Fostering stakeholder dialogue to deliver on the future" took place from 23 to 24 March 2015 in Brussels at Les Ateliers des Tanneurs. The closing conference brought together experts and perspectives from industry and business, policy making, civil society, academia, and the geological services to describe the thematic challenges, facing industry and society and to discuss how stakeholder engagement should best be shaped to effectively determine an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable management of raw materials in the EU. All photos and presentations from the conference can be found on the conference website.
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The Energy Transition in Germany – Canadian-German Study Tour
Where do Canada and Germany stand in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency? Which initiatives and projects are leading the way? Who is driving development – and how can Canada profit from Germany's experiences? These and other questions framed the Canadian-German Study Tour that took place from 22 to 28 March 2015 in Berlin and Hamburg, focusing on the theme "Energy Transition in Germany". The study tour had space for 11 high-level participants with professional background in policy, science, business and NGO works.
IMPRINT: http://ecologic.eu/legal-notice
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: Dr. Camilla Bausch, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363
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