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The Energy Transition in Germany – Canadian-German Study Tour

Die Gruppe im energieautarken Ort Feldheim

The Energy Transition in Germany – Canadian-German Study Tour

Berlin, Hamburg, Feldheim, Germany

Where do Canada and Germany stand in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency? Which initiatives and projects are leading the way? Who is driving development – and how can Canada profit from Germany’s experiences? These and other questions framed the Canadian-German Study Tour that took place from 22 to 28 March 2015 in Berlin and Hamburg, focusing on the theme "Energy Transition in Germany". The study tour had space for 11 high-level participants with professional backgrounds in policy, science, business and NGO works.

The objective of the tour was to strengthen the participant's consciousness for the opportunities in energy transition. Furthermore, participants had the opportunity to gain new knowledge, as well as important contacts which can be used to initiate concrete measures in Canada.

Various program formats (discussion sessions, individual lectures, excursions, culture programs) with representatives from ministries, parliament, think tanks and NGOs in Berlin and Hamburg ensured a comprehensive insight into the themes.

Among others, the following points were on the program:


  • Welcome dinner with introduction to the programme by R. Andreas Kraemer (Senior Fellow, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Founder & Director Emeritus, Ecologic Institute, Berlin (on Sabbatical))
  • Hamburg Institute with lectures and discussions with Anna Leidreiter (Senior Program Manager Climate Energy, Climate and Energy, World Future Council), Christian Maaß (Founding Director, Hamburg Institut) and Wiebke Hansen (Our Hamburg, Our Grid - Unser Hamburg)
  • Discussion with Andreas Nauen (CEO Senvion SE), Stefan Philipp (Head of Portfolio Management) and Karsten Benecke (Head of Sales Europe Central) at Senvion Wind Energy Solutions


  • Meeting with Dimitri Pescia (Senior Associate European Energy Cooperation, Agora Energiewende) and discussion on Key insights from the German Energiewende
  • Meeting and lunch with representative from the Federal Foreign Office regarding Paris COP 21 in Nov/Dec 2015 and representative from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
  • Riverside Chat on the topic "From the niche to the mass market: Comparing regulatory approaches to promoting solar energy in Canada, Germany and the US" with Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs (Director, Environmental Policy Research Centre), Jörg Mayer (Managing Director, German Solar Industry Association) and Dr. Camilla Bausch (Director, Ecologic Institute, Berlin)
  • Visit to the energy self-sufficient village Feldheim
  • Presentation and discussion with Dr. Jürgen Landgrebe (Head of Department, Federal Environment Agency) on emission tradings
  • Meeting and discussion with a member of the Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety - Dr. Nina Scheer (Member of Parliament, Social Democratic Party (SPD))
  • Participation in the conference "Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue"

Articles of participants:


Susanne Müller
Katharina Umpfenbach
Sarina Bstieler
Karl Lehmann
Berlin, Hamburg, Feldheim, Germany
Project ID
energy, energy tranisition, public diplomacy
Canada, Germany