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Ecologic Newsletter Birthday Special No 18 - August 2004

Ecologic Newsletter Birthday Special No 18 - August 2004

Ecologic Institute Newsletter

Ecologic has something to celebrate: We enter our 10th year on 29 August 2004.

  1. EC Competence in International Environmental Treaties with regards to the OSPAR Convention - Publication
  2. New Directions in Global Environmental Governance - Dinner Dialogue with Maria H. Ivanova 
  3. The Draft Constitution for Europe and the Environment - Publication
  4. The Linking Directive - Can JI and CDM be safety valves for the European Emissions Trading System? - Climate Talk
  5. Differential Effects of Enlargement on EU Environmental Governance - Publication
  6. Heavily Modified Water Bodies - Synthesis of 34 Case Studies in Europe - Publication
  7. JEEPL - Journal for European Enviromental & Planning Law

1. EC Competence in International Environmental Treaties with regards to the OSPAR Convention - Publication

The EC increasingly participates in multilateral environmental agreements alongside its Member States. The appearance of both EC and Member States raises questions of competences for the negotiation, conclusion and implementation of such international instruments. In particular in the field of marine environment, substantial progress is hindered by an opaque division of competences between the EC and its Member States and lack of coordination. Accordingly, the German Federal Environmental Agency commissioned Ecologic and Professor Astrid Epiney with the task of analysing the division of external competences between the EC and its Member States taking into account the OSPAR-Convention. The results of this project have now been published as a book.

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2. New Directions in Global Environmental Governance - Dinner Dialogue with Maria H. Ivanova

International environmental governance, concerns about its current state and options to strengthen the global environmental regime were the subject of the Dinner Dialogue with Maria H. Ivanova, Director of the Global Environmental Governance Project at Yale University. The discussion started off with an assessment of UNEP´s achievements. It focused on ways of reforming and strengthening the current system of international environmental governance. The Dinner Dialogue took place on 23 August 2004 in Berlin.

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3. The Draft Constitution for Europe and the Environment - Publication

After extensive discussions and despite reasonable fears of failure, in June 2004 EU leaders finally adopted the Constitutional Treaty, which will replace the Nice Treaty. After signing the Constitutional Treaty in autumn 2004, Member States will have two years to ratify it. This article presents an environmental analysis of the Draft Treaty as submitted by the Convention on the Future of Europe in July 2003.

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4. The Linking Directive - Can JI and CDM be safety valves for the European Emissions Trading System? - Climate Talk

On 11 August 2004 the second Climate Talk took place in Berlin. Experts from business, science and government discussed the legal framework and the difficulties of putting JI (Joint Implementation) and CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) into practice within the framework of the European emissions trading scheme. Presentations were given by Dr. Patrick Graichen, Thomas Langrock and Dr. Sascha Lafeld. Climate Talk is designed to be a platform for experts to discuss issues surrounding climate protection. The series of events is initiated by the law firm Baker & McKenzie and Ecologic.

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5. Differential Effects of Enlargement on EU Environmental Governance - Publication

Ingmar von Homeyer's article examines the potential impact of eastern enlargement on EU environmental governance. Whereas some observers see eastern enlargement as a potential threat to EU environmental governance, this contribution argues that it should be seen as an opportunity to intensify ongoing reform efforts.

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6. Heavily Modified Water Bodies - Synthesis of 34 Case Studies in Europe - Publication

This book is the result of a European project on heavily modified water bodies, carried out in the context of the Common Implementation Strategy of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). It presents and synthesises the results of thirty-four European case studies on the identification and designation of heavily modified water bodies. It has recently been published by Springer, Berlin.

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7. JEEPL - Journal for European Enviromental & Planning Law

Matthias Buck, Simon Marr - both Ecologic Alumni - and Moritz Reese from the German Environmental Advisory Council have become managing editors of JEEPL, a new Journal on EU environmental and planning law. The first issue was published in July 2004 on the overarching theme emissions trading. JEEPL offers an intellectual forum for environmental law practitioners throughout Europe.

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