Matthias Buck, Simon Marr - both Ecologic Alumni - and Moritz Reese from the German Environmental Advisory Council have become managing editors of JEEPL, a new Journal on EU environmental and planning law. The first issue was published in July 2004 on the overarching theme emissions trading. JEEPL offers an intellectual forum for environmental law practitioners throughout Europe.
The latest enlargement of the EU to 25 Member States once more raises the importance of implementation of EU environmental and planning law at the national level. National implementation efforts benefit from improved information about particular problems encountered and innovative solutions found in other Member States. An improved knowledge base in this regard also facilitates the adoption of "implementation friendly" EU legislation.
It is the main objective of JEEPL to provide an intellectual forum for this type of dialogue. The articles provide a problem-oriented, comparative assessment of implementation at the national level or report on implementation efforts in selected EU Member States. A comprehensive service section informs about relevant political and legislative developments in Brussels as well as on important judgements by international, EU and national courts.
In addition to singular contributions on current issues, each issue of JEEPL focuses on one overarching theme. Upcoming issues of JEEPL will focus on environmental services of general interest, implementation of the Water Framework Directive, strategic environmental assessments and the implementation of the Aarhus Convention. Members of JEEPL's editorial board and the managing editors extend a cordial invitation to environmental law experts from practice and academia to make use of JEEPL as a new forum for the publication of their work and perhaps to become engaged in our growing network of correspondents for specific countries or issues.
The first issue of JEEPL was published in summer 2004. Since then the Journal has established itself as an important forum for legal discussions on the development and implementation of European Environmental and Planning Law. Important further steps were taken in 2008, when Martinus Nijhoff/ Brill, a leading international publishing house, decided to take over JEEPL from Lexxion in Berlin. As part of this transition, JEEPL has now also found an academic host, the well-known Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany. Professor Wolfgang Koeck from the Helmholtz Centre joined as Editor-in-chief. Matthias Buck (formerly Ecologic, now European Commission), Dr. Simon Marr (formerly Ecologic, now European Commission), and Dr. Moritz Reese (Berlin and Leipzig) continue their role as managing editors. An editorial board of eminent environmental lawyers from academica and practice continues to provide overall guidance to JEEPL. A well established network of correspondents in Member States and EU institutions reports on important political and legal developments as well as relevant judgements.
JEEPL is a quarterly journal. Further information, including the prices for subscriptions can be found on the Website of Brill.
JEEPL Flyer including order form and table of contents of the first issue (July 2004, emissions trading) [pdf, 160 KB, English]
Europe, Environment, Law, Environmental Law, Spatial Planning, Planning Law