Tradeable Permits in Water Resource Protection and Management
A Review of Experience and Lessons Learned
- Publication
- Citation
Kraemer, R. Andreas; Eduard Interwies and Eleftheria Kampa 2002: "Tradeable Permits in Waterresource Protection and Management - A Review of Experience and Lessons Learned", in: OECD (ed.): Implementing Domestic Tradable Permits: Recent Developments and Future Challenges. Paris: OECD, 227-268.
Kraemer, R. Andreas; Eduard Interwies and Eleftheria Kampa 2002: "Tradeable Permits in Waterresource Protection and Management - A Review of Experience and Lessons Learned", in: OECD (ed.): Implementing Domestic Tradable Permits: Recent Developments and Future Challenges. Paris: OECD, 227-268.
R. Andreas Kraemer
Founder and Director Emeritus, Ecologic Institute
Visiting Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor, Duke University
Initiator and Convenor, Arctic Summer College