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Nearly 370 participants from over 40 countries participated in the 2nd European Resources Forum, which was hosted by the German Federal Environment Agency in Berlin on 10 and 11 November 2014 with the support of Ecologic Institute. The presentations and photos from the forum are now available on the conference website of the German Federal Environmental Agency.
The aim of the European Resources Forum (ERF) is to provide a European platform for discussion of the issue of sustainable resource use by focusing on the political and scientific debate on this subject. The ERF takes place biennially and is hosted by the German Federal Environment Agency. It seeks to contribute to the development and implementation of common positions for policymaking in Europe and internationally. The ERF is an important instrument for communication on resource issues, for setting up networks and initiating stakeholder alliances at European level.
The European Resources Forum is held in the context of the European Commission’s 2011 Road Map to a Resource Efficient Europe and relevant follow-up processes. The ERF addresses European decision -makers and experts from the fields of policy development, industry, academia, civil society and the media, and, especially, the young generation.