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Climate Mitigation Requires Initiative – Strategic Development of the National Climate Initiative (NKI)

Staatssekretär Jochen Flasbarth erläutert die Aktivitäten Deutschlands im Bereich Klimaschutz. (c) BMUB/Sascha Hilgers

Climate Mitigation Requires Initiative – Strategic Development of the National Climate Initiative (NKI)

Berlin, Germany

On 5 June 2014, the one-day conference "Climate Mitigation Requires Initiative – Conference on the Strategic Development of the NKI" took place in Berlin under the scope of the project "Strategic Development of the National Climate Initiative (NKI)". 150 participants from policy, business, scientific institutions, and civil society discussed and exchanged their views on the main focal points for the further development of the NKI. The presentation slides are available for download.

The conference was opened by Franzjosef Schafhausen (Department Head Climate Policy, European and International Policy (KI), Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)), before Jochen Flasbarth (State Secretary, BMUB) held his keynote speech on recent developments at the international level as well as ambitions of the BMUB to intensify climate protection activities at the national level. Mr. Flasbarth also explained the role of the NKI in this political setting. Dr. Martin Wansleben (Chief Executive German Industry and Commerce) stated that it is an illusion to believe that the energy transition can be "made" by adjusting only some specific parameters. Yet, he described the cooperation with the BMUB as a good one and mentioned that common grounds were defined. Lastly, Mr. Wansleben emphasised that the issue of climate mitigation has to follow economic principles.

The presentation of Berthold Goeke (Head of Directorate Climate Policy (KI I), BMUB) provided an overview of the objectives of the NKI and main points of the implementation up till now. Apart from promoting the visibility of climate mitigation in Germany, a culture of participation should be developed and responsibility should be taken beyond the national level. Dr. Christine Wörlen (arepo consult, project "Strategic Development of the NKI") illustrated the challenges for the monitoring process and the further development of a program as complex as the NKI. She then presented the criteria and processes for the monitoring which are currently under discussion.

In three different working groups, the participants could subsequently discuss the following issues in depth:

  • WG 1: Companies for 100% Climate Protection– Opportunities for SMEs and Crafts Entreprises
  • WG 2: Consultancy for Climate Mitigation: Inform– Motivate– Reinforce
  • WG 3: Generation 60+ – Climate-friendly Approaches for Integration and Participation

The conference was rounded off by a panel discussion with Michael Pelzl (general manager, Bremer Energie-Konsens), Sebastian Uhlemair (energy consultant, energie- und umweltzentrum, eza!), Prof. Dr. Marcel Hunecke (professor for general psychology as well as organisational and environmental psychology; University of Applied Sciences Dortmund) and Berthold Goeke (Head of Directorate KI I). The conference was moderated by Dagmar Dehmer (Der Tagesspiegel).

"One should be proud of the achieved reduction in CO2 emissions and the increase in renewable energies, however, another 85 million tonnes of CO2 have to be saved till 2020." State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth at the NKI-Conference.


Doris Knoblauch
Co-Coordinator Plastics
Coordinator Urban & Spatial Governance
Senior Fellow

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Project ID
climate change, adaptation, environment, climate mitigation, NKI, National Climate Initiative, local climate protection
Germany, Berlin