- How Crisis-resistant and Competitive are Europe's Eco-Industries? - Study for the European Parliament
- Stakeholder Analysis, Surveys and Interviews in RADOST - Publication
- RADOST-Final Conference
- From Warsaw to Paris: Negotiating Global Climate Change - Cairo Climate Talk
- EU Climate Policy Beyond 2020 - Conference Documentation
- Policy Recommendations and Findings from the LEDDRA Project - Presentation
- Biodiversity Policy in the German Bundestag 2014 - 2018 - Event
- 1st COBALT Newsletter on Sustainable Use of Raw Materials - News
- Reimagining Urban Spaces - Workshop
- Linking Transit and Urban Development - Study Tour
Ecologic Newsletter No 138 - March 2014
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- How Crisis-resistant and Competitive are Europe's Eco-Industries? - Study for the European Parliament
- Stakeholder Analysis, Surveys and Interviews in RADOST - Publication
- RADOST-Final Conference
- From Warsaw to Paris: Negotiating Global Climate Change - Cairo Climate Talk
- EU Climate Policy Beyond 2020 - Conference Documentation
- Policy Recommendations and Findings from the LEDDRA Project - Presentation
- Biodiversity Policy in the German Bundestag 2014 - 2018 - Event
- 1st COBALT Newsletter on Sustainable Use of Raw Materials - News
- Reimagining Urban Spaces - Workshop
- Linking Transit and Urban Development - Study Tour
How Crisis-resistant and Competitive are Europe's Eco-Industries? - Study for the European Parliament
This short study that Ecologic Institute produced for the Greens in the European Parliament, examines the competitiveness of European Eco-Industries. The key finding is that Eco-Industries have been a source of economic growth, particularly at times when other parts of the economy contracted. The short study is available for download.
Stakeholder Analysis, Surveys and Interviews in RADOST - Publication
Climate change is perceived as a problem by most stakeholders (policy makers, administrations and civil society) on the Baltic Sea Coast. However, they do not agree on how to deal with it. Nico Stelljes, Doris Knoblauch, Robin Körth and Grit Martinez sum up the findings of different surveys and interviews and compare them in their article.
RADOST-Final Conference
The RADOST project ("Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast") has intensely dealt with climate change, its consequences, and adaptation possibilities for the Baltic Sea coast. The results of four and a half year of RADOST work will be presented on the 1st and 2nd April 2014 in Rostock City Hall. The program and further information are available on the RADOST website.
From Warsaw to Paris: Negotiating Global Climate Change - Cairo Climate Talk
During the 20th Cairo Climate Talk panelists discussed the results of climate negotiations in Poland, the future international climate regime, and policy options for Egypt. Environment Minister Dr. Leila Rashed Iskander Kamel pointed to promising debates in the ministerial cabinet regarding renewable energy support, as well as the controversial debate over increasing the use of coal, especially in the cement industry. Dr. Camilla Bausch from Ecologic Institute presented results of the Warsaw summit and an outlook for the upcoming negotiations.
EU Climate Policy Beyond 2020 - Conference Documentation
Insights from the CECILIA2050 research project were discussed at a high-level expert conference in Brussels on 6 March 2014, convening around 80 participants from industry, NGOs, academia and governments engaged in the discussions on the present and future climate policy mix. The conference featured the main results of the first part of the CECILIA2050 project, which provided a stock-taking and ex-post evaluation of climate policies in Europe – at the EU level and in the Member States, and across a number of sectors. Presentations and a more detailed conference report are available on the CECILIA2050 website.
Policy Recommendations and Findings from the LEDDRA Project - Presentation
The LEDDRA research demonstrated that land and ecosystem degradation and desertification (LEDD) does not only result from ineffective design and implementation of environmental policies. Effective responses should also seek to address a range of socio-economic concerns which contribute to land and ecosystem-related problems. In her presentation, Ruta Landgrebe of Ecologic Institute highlighted this need for a socio-ecological fit of responses to LEDD. To achieve this, policies should address environmental, economic, and social impacts in an integrated manner and contribute to sustainable development in LEDD-affected areas. The presentation slides are available for download.
Biodiversity Policy in the German Bundestag 2014 - 2018 - Event
The Federal Republic of Germany is bound to a number of environmental agreements. The current government has stated in their coalition agreement that it acknowledges their commitments to EU biodiversity objectives. What exactly does that mean for the daily activities in Parliament, in the committees, the group meetings, and in the preparation of new legislation? This event provided an overview on these topics. The presentation slides and a small compendium to accompany the dialogue "Parliament and Biodiversity" are available for download.
1st COBALT Newsletter on Sustainable Use of Raw Materials - News
The first publication of the FP7 research project newsletter, titled "Contributing to Building of Awareness, Learning and Transfer of Knowledge on Sustainable Use of Raw Materials (COBALT)", is now available online. The newsletter features a comprehensive presentation of the COBALT project. It also provides information on COBALT's opening conference, the 1st COBALT EU Civil Society – Industry Dialogue; a report on mineral raw material related education; and information on upcoming EU and regional talks. Subscriptions for this electronic newsletter are available to all interested readers, with a new publication every six months.
Reimagining Urban Spaces - Workshop
Under the auspices of the POCACITO project and the ELEEP program, Ecologic Institute and the Atlantic Council convened a workshop on post-carbon cities and the reimagining of urban spaces in Washington, DC. A group of experts working on different aspects of urban design and sustainability gathered to discuss current urban trends in the US and the EU (as well as globally). This group also considered examples of cities in the US and the EU that are making efforts to re-imagine what a city can be and to provide their citizens options for a high quality of life with lower environmental impacts. Max Grünig, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, presented the POCACITO project. The presentation slides are available for download.
Linking Transit and Urban Development - Study Tour
Drawing on an ELEEP tour to Stuttgart and Paris in October 2012, a group of ELEEP Members traveled to the Pacific Northwest of the United States to find out how communities use planning, policies, investments, and other measures to establish low-carbon, sustainable transportation systems. This tour took a broad perspective, moving beyond a focus on transportation systems in isolation to consider the larger economic development, urban/rural, and social implications of transit and transportation planning. In Portland (Oregon), Salem (Oregon) and Seattle (Washington), the 10 members of the ELEEP Network learned about the initiatives already in place in those cities and those being implemented to expand transportation options. They met with and learned from the decision-makers and leaders involved in the on-the-ground realization of those plans.
IMPRINT: http://ecologic.eu/legal-notice
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363
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