- Options for Sustainable Food and Agriculture in the EU - Study for the European Parliament
- Communicating Adaptation to Regional Climate Change - Publication
- Investor-state Dispute Settlement under TTIP - a Risk for Environmental Regulation? - Publication
- Sources of Supply and Quantities in the EU Emissions Trading System - Publication
- Inventory of River Restoration Measures: Effects, Costs and Benefits - Publication
- Towards a Definition of Global Sustainable Land Use? - Discussion Paper
- EU Climate Policy Beyond 2020 – Taking Stock and Looking Forward - Conference
- Water Lives: New Scientific Horizons for Biodiversity and Water Policy - Moderation
- Entering the Profession: Policy Advising and Applied Science in Environmental Policy - Lecture
Ecologic Newsletter No 137 - February 2014
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Options for Sustainable Food and Agriculture in the EU - Study for the European Parliament
- Communicating Adaptation to Regional Climate Change - Publication
- Investor-state Dispute Settlement under TTIP - a Risk for Environmental Regulation? - Publication
- Sources of Supply and Quantities in the EU Emissions Trading System - Publication
- Inventory of River Restoration Measures: Effects, Costs and Benefits - Publication
- Towards a Definition of Global Sustainable Land Use? - Discussion Paper
- EU Climate Policy Beyond 2020 – Taking Stock and Looking Forward - Conference
- Water Lives: New Scientific Horizons for Biodiversity and Water Policy - Moderation
- Entering the Profession: Policy Advising and Applied Science in Environmental Policy - Lecture
Options for Sustainable Food and Agriculture in the EU - Study for the European Parliament
Global population growth, climate change, shifting consumer patterns, competing demands on and the environmental impacts from agricultural land use – the convergence of these issues places food security and sustainable land use in a precarious balance. European agriculture and food systems will be challenged by these issues in the coming decades. Ecologic Institute contributed to the report 'Technology Options for Feeding 10 Billion People' commissioned by the STOA Panel of the European Parliament, which outlines the EU's role and potential options for responding to these challenges. The report is available for download.
Communicating Adaptation to Regional Climate Change - Publication
On-time adaptation can be achieved only when future climate change and its consequences are successfully communicated. With their book "Communicating Adaptation to Regional Climate Change. Concepts, Challenges, and Perspectives", Karin Beese (Ecologic Institute), Miriam Fekkak, Christine Katz, Claudia Körner, and Heike Molitor enter the new area of "Communicating Adaptation." Through a collection of articles by 50 authors, the book presents theoretical approaches and reports of practical implementation as well as hands-on mediation for art and cultural projects.
Investor-state Dispute Settlement under TTIP - a Risk for Environmental Regulation? - Publication
In this study for the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Christiane Gerstetter and Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf of Ecologic Institute look at the "I" in TTIP, investment rules in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership under negotiation between the US and the EU. They assess the impact of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) rules on environmental regulation by analysing existing case law. The study is available for download.
Sources of Supply and Quantities in the EU Emissions Trading System - Publication
This report evaluates the results of a survey conducted in the summer of 2013 among German operators by Ecologic Institute and the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt). The report shows that in the third trading period there will be shifts within the carbon market and that a cost-efficient organization of the emissions trading will play an increasingly important role. The report is available for download.
Inventory of River Restoration Measures: Effects, Costs and Benefits - Publication
The deliverable "Inventory of River Restoration Measures: Effects, Costs, and Benefits" was published in January 2014 as part of the FP7 REFORM project. Scientists at Ecologic Institute led the work in collaboration with several European partners, including economists and ecologists. The information in the deliverable will help river basin managers by providing examples of how representative data on the costs and benefits of river restoration can be gathered and analysed to support the drafting of programmes of measures for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. The deliverable is available for download.
Towards a Definition of Global Sustainable Land Use? - Discussion Paper
In this discussion paper Timo Kaphengst from Ecologic Institute approaches the question of how sustainable land use can be defined at a global scale. The paper thereby contributes to the concept of sustainable land use governance currently developed in the GLOBALANDS project. The discussion paper is available for download.
EU Climate Policy Beyond 2020 – Taking Stock and Looking Forward - Conference
This conference will present the work undertaken so far for the CECILIA2050 project to an expert policy audience for feedback and debate. The conference will take place on 6 March 2014 in Brussels (Belgium). Registration is still open. Please visit the CECILIA2050 website for details and a draft program.
Water Lives: New Scientific Horizons for Biodiversity and Water Policy - Moderation
As part of the Biofresh project, the Symposium "Water Lives: Scientific Horizons for Biodiversity and Water Policy" took place from 29 to 30 January 2014 in Brussels (Belgium). The Symposium brought together policy makers and stakeholders from the water, energy and conservation sector, NGOs, the scientific community, and selected experts to discuss challenges in the implementation of the 2020 Biodiversity strategy and the EU Water Framework Directive. Ecologic Institute was substantially involved in the programme development and Timo Kaphengst, Senior Fellow, moderated a science-policy dialogue.
Entering the Profession: Policy Advising and Applied Science in Environmental Policy - Lecture
On 15 January 2014, Doris Knoblauch presented work from the transdisciplinary research organization, Ecologic Institute, whose main focus is environmental research. At the lecture series "Facets of Sustainable Development" at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen (Germany), Doris Knoblauch showcased different aspects of policy advising, applied research and think tanks, with a particular focus on Ecologic Institute's work.
IMPRINT: http://ecologic.eu/legal-notice
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363
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