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Ecologic Newsletter No 10 - January 2004

Ecologic Newsletter No 10 - January 2004

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Round Table on UNEP reform process
  2. Ecologic and IEEP consult the European Parliament Environment Committee
  3. Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns - National Dialogue after the WSSD
  4. Newsletter series on the Lille IV Conference
  5. The Economic Analysis according to the Water Framework Directive
  6. Selecting cost-effective sets of measures for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive
  7. 'Open Method of Co-ordination' in EU environmental policy
  8. "Greening the Chatham House Rule" - Richard Tarasofsky moves to the RIIA in London

1. Round Table on UNEP reform process

Universal membership of each UN Member State in the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) could increase UNEP`s legitimacy and enhance its political importance. Accordingly, the issue of universal membership is currently one of major interest. In this context, Ecologic is organising a Round Table meeting between the German government and its EU partners on the legal, organisational and political implications of universal membership in UNEP.

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2. Ecologic and IEEP consult the European Parliament Environment Committee

The European Parliament's Environment Committee often has to react rapidly to Commission proposals and at the same time often needs a solid basis to develop own initiatives within its field of responsibility. Short written briefing notes, which the EP can request on an ad-hoc basis from the IEEP/Ecologic team and its network partners, help to improve the legislative assistance to its Members and strengthen the Committee's competence in this respect.

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3. Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns - National Dialogue after the WSSD

Ecologic is organising the conference "Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns - National Dialogue on the Follow-up of the WSSD" that will take place on 16 - 17 February 2004 in Berlin. Germany can utilize a multitude of approaches and initiatives to promote sustainable development. Nevertheless, new ideas are necessary in order to implement sustainable consumption and production patterns. Against this background, the conference aims to develop perspectives and new impetus for the promotion of sustainable consumption and production patterns.

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4. Newsletter series on the Lille IV Conference

Ecologic supports the preparation of the Lille IV conference on "Europe of Water - Water of the Europeans" to take place on 5-6 February 2004 in Lille. This event forms part of a series of conferences on the economic elements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). A newsletter edition is published in preparation of the conference, which invites you to contribute your questions, suggestions and experiences with economics and the WFD in order to closer target the event on the participants' expectations.

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5. The Economic Analysis according to the Water Framework Directive

Ecologic successfully organised an international workshop on the "Economic Analysis according to the EU Water Framework Directive: Present Status of Implementation" on 20 - 21 November 2003 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The workshop was intended to further the international exchange of experiences on the current implementation of the economic analysis, and it addressed Member States and first-round Accession Countries. A summary of the workshop's results is now available.

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6. Selecting cost-effective sets of measures for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive

Ecologic recently completed a handbook on selecting cost-effective sets of measures according to article 11 of the EU Water Framework Directive. In the handbook, Ecologic and the Kassel Institute for Aquatic Water Resources Research and Management develop a methodology that will support decision-makers in selecting the best possible combination of measures and instruments to achieve the environmental targets of the WFD.

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7. 'Open Method of Co-ordination' in EU environmental policy

In a seminal paper, prepared by Ecologic on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, the authors argue for using the 'Open Method of Co-ordination' (OMC) in EU environmental policy. The paper is now available for download.

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8. "Greening the Chatham House Rule" - Richard Tarasofsky moves to the RIIA in London

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), also known as Chatham House, is one of the world's leading institutes for the analysis of international issues. The largest of its research programmes addresses sustainable development, and Richard G. Tarasofsky, Senior Policy Advisor of Ecologic, was chosen to head the programme as of the beginning of 2004.

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