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Monthly Progress Updates of Climate Policy Developments in the EU Member States

Monthly Progress Updates of Climate Policy Developments in the EU Member States


Velten, Eike et al. 'year': Assessment of Climate Change Policies in the Context of the European Semester. Monthly Progress Updates of Climate Policy Developments in the EU Member States. Berlin.

This monthly progress update is compiled by eclareon and Ecologic Institute and shows which policies and measures aiming at reducing greenhouse gas emissions are currently discussed, implemented or deleted in the different Member States. The update includes policies and measures in the area of environmental taxation, energy supply and in particular energy supply from renewable sources, energy networks, energy efficiency, transport as well as agriculture and waste.

As part of the project Assessment of climate change policies in the context of the EU Semester, the updates deliver up to date information in order supplement the country reports.

The updates can be downloaded on the website of the EU Commission.


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Project ID
EU semester, national climate and energy policies, mainstreaming climate policy, green economy, environmental taxation, renewable energy, energy efficiency, transport, Member States