The German newspaper "Die Zeit" recently reported on the "Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast" (RADOST) project and its cutting-edge research, led by Ecologic Institute. Results from five years of research funded by the "Managing climate change in the regions for the future" (Klimzug) initiative will be presented in Berlin on 26 and 27 November 2013 and in Rostock in April 2014. Further results will be published in a series through the oekom publishing house.
RADOST project results at KLIMZUG conference in Berlin
The RADOST project is a part of the Klimzug initiative. Within this initiative, seven regions of Germany are developing and testing adaptation measures. Results from the regions are being presented at the final Klimzug conference: Pathways to Climate Adaptation - With regional networks to success [German]. The conference will take place on 26 and 27 November in Berlin. The conference will focus on the practical relevance and local implementation of adaptation measures. Results from the RADOST project (for example, regarding coastal protection, energy or seaports) will be presented and accompanied by an exhibition.
Participation and climate change – 1st book of the Klimzug series
"Managing climate change in the regions for the future" is also the title of a Klimzug book series, which is published with the publisher oekom. The first book of the series on participation and climate change [German] deals with the social challenges of climate change. More books involving RADOST partners will appear in the coming months. Within this series, an English-language book will be published in 2014 under the editorship of RADOST partners.
Researchers to tackle future issues - RADOST in the press
On 17 October 2013, the German magazine Die Zeit reported on the work being done by the RADOST project. A six–page special section dedicated to "science at the forefront" in Germany included RADOST implementation projects as examples of the interlinkage between fundamental and applied sciences. Project leader Dr. Grit Martinez, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, reiterated in the article the importance of involving local actors in addressing the consequences of climate change. You can find the complete article (in German) in the RADOST websites press section.
RADOST final conference in Rostock - Save the Date
The results of five years of work will be presented on 1 and 2 April 2014 in Rostock City Hall. Representatives from academia, implementation, policy, and actors who have supported the project over the years are invited to the event. During this final conference, project results from RADOST focus topics will be presented and discussed. Registration and further information will be available soon.