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Implementation of the Montreal Protocol: Analysis of Production and Consumption Data

Implementation of the Montreal Protocol: Analysis of Production and Consumption Data

Implementation of the Montreal Protocol: Analysis of Production and Consumption Data


Effective implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer can only be achieved if a sound informational basis concerning the current status of the phase out of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) exists. Information on production and consumption of ODS is submitted to the Ozone Secretariat in Nairobi by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol.

The quality of the data base administered in Nairobi is dependent on the quality of data reports submitted by the Parties. Incomplete data reporting by developing as well as developed country Parties along with other insufficiencies pose major challenges to the accuracy of the global data base. Despite the obvious lack of capacities allocated by the Meeting of the Parties for this purpose, major improvements of the data base have been implemented by the Ozone Secretariat during recent efforts.

As a result, the fit between global production and consumption is good with respect to several substances. However, problems with respect to single countries’ data as well as concerning some groups of substances (in particular carbon tetrachloride) continue to exist. One of the issues that need to be resolved is the discrepancies between the data reported to the Ozone Secretariat and those received by the Fund Secretariat. While harmonizing the two streams of data reporting might take care of part of the problem, there is a need to investigate in more detail the sources of the discrepancies. On average, the quality of data reporting by Parties is thus moderate, at best and there is a need to address remaining deficiencies and to invest more resources in the management of the data base in the future.


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