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Towards a Definition of Global Sustainable Land Use?


Towards a Definition of Global Sustainable Land Use?

A discussion on theory, concepts and implications for governance


Kaphengst, Timo (2014): Towards a definition of global sustainable land use? A discussion on theory, concepts and implications for governance. Discussion paper produced within the research project "GLOBALANDS - Global Land Use and Sustainability". Online available at:

In this discussion paper Timo Kaphengst from Ecologic Institute approaches the question of how sustainable land use can be defined at a global scale. The paper thereby contributes to the concept of sustainable land use governance currently developed in the GLOBALANDS project. The discussion paper is available for download.

The discussion paper is an attempt to frame a definition of a "sustainable land use" in a pragmatic way. The paper starts with a short overview on prevalent sustainability theories, discussing "the battle" between a strong and a weak concept of sustainability and explaining the role of "natural capital" and "reproduction" in the context of land use.

After that, some of the few concepts on sustainable land use are presented and discussed in the context of their applicability for the purpose of a wider governance framework on sustainable land use. Where possible, the discussion reveals, whether these concepts could be subordinated either under the strong or rather the weak sustainability concept. The paper ends with some concluding remarks on crucial components of sustainable land use at global scale and offers a brief definition for further discussion:

"A global sustainable land use serves the needs (for food, energy, housing, recreation etc.) of all human beings living on earth today and in the future, respecting the boundaries and the resilience of ecological systems"

Global sustainable land use serves the needs of all human beings, respecting the boundaries and the resilience of ecological systems.


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14 pp.
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sustainable land, governance, GLOBALANDS, sustainability theories, natural capital, reproduction