Executive Summary: Policy Recommendations
1 Introduction
1.1 Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture - the Challenge
1.2 Scope and Objectives
2. The PICCMAT Practices: Mitigation Potential, Co-Benefits, and Feasability of Implementation
2.1 Mitigation Potential of PICCMAT Practices
2.2 PICCMAT Practices and Climate Change Adaptation
2.3 Feasability of Implementation
3. Priorities for Policy Action
3.1 Mitigation as Part of an Integrated Approach to Sustainable Agriculture
3.2 Preservation of Existing Carbon Stocks as a Mitigation Priority
4. EU Environmental Policies and Agricultural Mitigation
5. Cross Compliance
6. Rural Development
6.1 Climate Screening of Rural Development Measures
6.2 Improved Funding for Rural Development
6.3 Agri-Environmental Measures and Technical Investment Options
6.4 Organic Farming Policy
6.5 Pilot Projects to Test Results-oriented Agri-Environment Measures
6.6 Provide Additional Support for Awareness Raising and Capacity Building
6.7 Use of Innovative Delivery Instruments: Pilot Integrated Farm Plans
7. A future CAP: Options for the post-2013 Period
8. Economic Instruments
8.1 Results-oriented Approaches: Carbon Storage and Nitrogen Surplus
8.2 Emissions Trading and Carbon Offsetting
8.3 Taxes
9. Supporting Mitigation Through Better Information
9.1 Information Tools for Sustainable Farming
9.2 Addressing Consumer Behaviour: Carbon Labelling
9.3 Exchanging Knowledge and Experience on National and Regional Approaches
9.4 Measuring, Accounting and Monitoring of Agricultural Greenhouse Gases
10. References
Annex 1: Description of the PICCMAT Practices