
Air Pollution Abatement Planning

Berlin, Germany

The workshop aims at continuing and intensifying the process of an international exchange of experiences with the on-going activities which was started by a workshop in September 2001 in Bruges. It will focus on the exchange of information regarding experiences in the field of air pollution abatement measures - both their planning (drawing up action plans according to art. 7 (3) and preparation of plans or programmes according to art. 8 (3) of the Framework Directive) and their implementation. The workshop will serve as a forum for exchanging experiences on the national implementation of the EU air quality directives with emphasis on air pollution abatement measures.

On the basis of the EC Air Quality Framework Directive (Council Directive on ambient air quality assessment and management - 96/62/EC) the Directives 1999/30/EC (Council Directive relating to limit values for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter and lead in ambient air - so-called First Daughter Directive) and 2000/69/EC (Directive of the European Parliament and the Council relating to limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air - so-called Second Daughter Directive) set new ambitious limit values for the protection of human health, ecosystems and vegetation, which have to be complied with by the EU Member States with effect from 2005 or 2010, respectively. Mainly with respect to particulate matter (PM10) and NO2, European states envisage problems to meet the limit values.The necessary measures to meet these targets have to be worked out and prepared in the individual Member States. The accession countries also have to take these necessities into account. The workshop aims at continuing and intensifying the process of an international exchange of experiences with the on-going activities which was started by a workshop in September 2001 in Bruges. It focuses on the exchange of information regarding experiences in the field of air pollution abatement measures - both their planning (drawing up action plans according to art. 7 (3) and preparation of plans or programmes according to art. 8 (3) of the Framework Directive) and their implementation. Furthermore, it is expected to get essential input for the preparation of the review process for the EC Directives 1999/30/EC and 2000/69/EC that is scheduled for 2003/2004.

Dr. Peter Beyer
Carolin Wolf
Berlin, Germany
Project ID
EU Implementation, Air Pollution Control, CAFE, Air Quality Directives

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