Integrating Resource Efficiency, Greening of Industrial Production and Green Industries
Scoping of and Recommendations for Effective Indicators
- Publication
- Citation
Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, Tanja Srebotnjak, Lucas Porsch, Max Grünig, Polly Hand, Krista Timeus Cerezo 2012: Integrating resource efficiency, greening of industrial production and green industries – scoping of and recommendations for effective indicators. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
This study by Ecologic Institute develops an organizing framework to summarize scientific findings concerning a wide selection of indicators and assesses their potential applicability for tracking sustainable industries and sustainable industrial development. Altogether, the use of a set of indicators is suggested in order to balance existing methodological challenges and maximize explanatory power. The study is available for download.
In a first step, a list of 32 indicators is assessed based on a set of criteria in order to select the 10 most promising indicators. Those were then analysed in regards to the respective data availability.
The study [pdf, 1.76 MB, English] can be downloaded.
- Language
- Authorship
Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-GarbersLucas PorschMax GrünigPolly Hand
- Year
- Dimension
- 158 pp.
- Project
- Project ID
- Table of contents
Click to show full table of contents
- Background
- Methodological framework
2.1 Selecting the organizing framework
2.1.1 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
2.1.2 Material Flow Analysis (MFA)
2.1.3 Organizing framework selected for this study
2.2 List of criteria for indicator selection - Methodological framework for indicator review
3.1 Selection of indicator for further analysis
3.2 Evaluation of data availability - Review of existing relevant resource indicators
4.1 Selection of indicators for further analysis
4.2 Evaluation factsheets for indicators selected for further analysis - Review of the data availability for the indicators identified
- Discussion of and recommendations for sustainable industry indicators
6.1 Discussion of the top ten indicators
6.1.1 Environmentally weighted material consumption (EMC)
6.1.2 Energy intensity by sector
6.1.3 Production-based CO2 productivity
6.1.4 Water consumption by sector
6.1.5 Sustainable Process Index (SPI)
6.1.6 Water abstraction rates and water stress
6.1.7 Corporations’ turnover, value added, and exports of the environmental goods and services sector
6.1.8 Resource Productivity and Material Productivity
6.1.9 Total Material Consumption (TMC)
6.1.10 Ecological Footprint (EF)
6.2 The MDG 7 Goal and recommendations for sustainable industry indicators
6.2.1 Indicators for measuring resource efficiency of industries and industrial development
6.2.2 Indicators for measuring the environmental impacts associated with different life cycle stages of industrial production
6.2.3 Indicators capturing the social and economic dimension of industries and industrial development
6.2.4 Basket / Set of indicators
6.3 Outlook - References
- Annex
- Keywords
Resource Efficiency, indicators, sustainable industries, UNIDO
Lecture:Measuring Sustainability - Conceptual Foundations and Indicators
- Date
- Location
- Tübingen, Germany
Environmental Sustainability Thresholds and Indicators
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Environment (DG Environment), International
Environmental Pressure Index
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Environment (DG Environment), International
Indicator-based Environmental Reporting
- Duration
- Funding
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Integrating Mainstream Economic Indicators with Sustainable Development Objectives (IN-STREAM)
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research (DG Research), International
Potential of the Ecological Footprint for Monitoring Environmental Impact from Natural Resource Use
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Environment (DG Environment), International
Conference:Beyond GDP – Measuring Progress, True Wealth, and the Well-being of Nations
- Date
- Location
- Brussels, Belgium
One Planet Economy Network: Europe (OPEN: EU)
- Duration
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research (DG Research), International
Development of a Scoring System for Assessment of Sustainable Seafood
- Duration
- Funding
Monterey Bay Aquarium, United States
Water Economics, Ecosystem Accounts and Water Resource Efficiency
- Duration
- Funding
European Environment Agency (EEA), International
Galli, Alessandro et al. 2011: “Integrating Ecological, Carbon and Water footprint into a "Footprint Family" of indicators: Definition and role in tracking human pressure on the planet”. Ecological Indicators, 13.
Doris Knoblauch, Alexander Neubauer (with contributions from Nataliya Stupak) 2010: Pre-modelling analysis of the Footprint Family of indicators in EU and international policy contexts. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.