Prospects of Linking EU and US Emission Trading Schemes:
Comparing the Western Climate Initiative, the Waxman-Markey and the Lieberman-Warner Proposals
- Publication
- Citation
Sterk, Wolfgang; Michael Mehling and Andreas Tuerk 2009: Prospects of Linking EU and US Emission Trading Schemes: Comparing the Western Climate Initiative, the Waxman-Markey and the Lieberman-Warner Proposals: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy; Ecologic Institute Washington; Joanneum Research, Graz.
This working paper affirms that emissions trading systems currently under development in the US raise certain challenges for an operational market link, but are not generally incompatible. Specifically, certain design elements of trading systems may give rise to concern, such as cost containment provisions and borrowing and offset provisions.
The working paper [pdf, 155 KB, English] is available for download at the Climate Strategies’ website.