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Beyond GDP – Measuring Progress, True Wealth, and the Well-being of Nations

Beyond GDP – Measuring Progress, True Wealth, and the Well-being of Nations

Beyond GDP – Measuring Progress, True Wealth, and the Well-being of Nations


The international conference "Beyond GDP" brought together over 650 participants to discuss how measures of progress, true wealth, and well-being can be improved and integrated into decision-making. Ecologic Institute led the project team organising the conference, which took place in November 2007 within the main chamber of the European Parliament and featured several high-level speakers, including Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament, and José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.

The objectives of the conference were to clarify which indices are most appropriate to measure progress, and how these can best be used and taken up by public debate. The conference brought together high-level experts and policy makers to address these critical issues, with participants from economic, social and environmental spheres attending. The presentations and panel discussions featured internationally recognised leaders and government representatives, members of the European Parliament as well as speakers from civil society, think tanks, industry, and key institutions such as the World Bank and the United Nations.

Preceding the main political conference, an expert workshop was held, wherein leading practitioners considered progress in the development and policy application of indicators of progress, true wealth, and well-being.

Ecologic Institute provided overall conference planning and management, contributed to background reports, created and maintained the conference website and supported the media and outreach work. After the conference, Ecologic Institute restructured the website to serve as an ongoing source of information on indicators and measurement of progress. Ecologic Institute maintained the website and administered the Beyond GDP Newsletter.


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Carolin Wolf
Stefanie Wurm
Maria Berglund
Sophie Herbert
Nils Jansen
Christian Bruhn
Project ID
Economics, Environment, GDP, Indicators, Well-being, International