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Climate Framework Laws Info-Matrix

Ecologic Climate Framework Laws Info-Matrix

Climate Framework Laws Info-Matrix


© 2024 Ecologic Institute

Climate Framework Laws Info-Matrix

Gathering and presenting information on the status and substance of climate framework laws in European countries


Ecologic Institute (2024): Climate Framework Laws Info-Matrix. (N. Evans, M. Duwe & D. Kocher, Eds.) Ecologic Institute, Berlin. 

The transformation to a net-zero society requires clear long-term objectives and policy-making to achieve them. National climate framework laws can be an integral part of establishing the necessary institutions and management tools for such a transformation. The number of national climate framework laws in Europe has grown steadily since the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, and while no two laws are the same, they tend to draw on a set of common core elements.

The Climate Framework Laws Info-Matrix aims to collect, organize, and present information on the status and substance of national climate framework laws in Europe, currently limited to the 32 European Environment Agency (EEA) member countries plus the United Kingdom. The matrix presents a side-by-side comparison of existing laws and their provisions across five core elements: targets, planning tools, monitoring mechanisms, institutions for expert advice, and participation processes.

Currently, the Info-Matrix is a publicly available online resource, and it is updated regularly. The information it contains is gathered through desk research of existing literature and the legal texts of the laws themselves. However, as the landscape of climate legislation is constantly in flux, Info-Matrix continuously undergoes crowd-sourcing quality control and verification of accuracy through the input of its users, who are invited to submit comments and edits for review.

A memo based on the contents of the Info-Matrix served as a brief update on the status and substance of climate laws in Europe as of summer 2023, with a focus on framework laws aimed at achieving long-term transformational change.

The Climate Framework Laws Info-Matrix is managed by Ecologic Institute with financial support from the European Climate Foundation (ECF).

Climate framework laws come in many shapes and sizes. The Climate Framework Laws Info-Matrix puts all the information in one place.


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We would like to thank Sharon Turner, Charlotte Billingham, and Zoltán Massay Kosubek at ECF for their conceptual contributions in developing this resource. We would also like to thank the many national expert partners for their input and feedback.

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climate framework laws, climate legislation, climate laws