This briefing, co-authored by Raffaele Piria (Ecologic Institute), analyzes the contents of the two Commission Delegated Regulations (CDR, also known as delegated acts) adopted by the European Commission on 10 February 2023 and entered in force in June 2023: CDR 2023/1184 contains detailed rules on the conditions under which electricity used to produce hydrogen may be counted as fully renewable according to European Union (EU) law; CDR 2023/1185specifies a methodology to assess the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings from renewable fuels based on hydrogen (so-called renewable fuels of non-biological origin, RFNBOs) and for recycled carbon fuels (RCFs).
It was commissioned by and developed in close collaboration with the International Ptx Hub and with co-authors from Oeko-Institut and adelphi.