Find the Blue and Bring the Ocean into the Classroom!
- News
- Date
- Location
- Berlin, Germany
The Network of European Blue Schools
The Network of European Blue Schools initiates the Find the Blue challenge and invites schools and teachers to bring the ocean into the classroom.
By taking up the Find the Blue challenge, teachers and students will improve their understanding of the ocean, develop a sense of responsibility for our ocean (so-called Ocean Literacy) and become more active and responsible European and global citizens.
The Network of European Blue Schools is an initiative of the European Commission, supported by DG MARE, and was developed by the EU4Ocean Coalition partners.
Why become a European Blue School?
Schools that participate in the Find the Blue challenge shall choose an ocean-related topic that is relevant to their students, and work together with their pupils to create a school project. The aim is to use the project-based learning, so that the ocean becomes a relevant part of the school curriculum. Student ownership, collaborations with other organizations and people concerned about the ocean, are the key values of the project, as well as creating a community with a shared passion. By successfully completing the Find the Blue challenge schools will receive a European Blue School Certificate.
All certified European Blue Schools become part of the Network of European Blue Schools, where teachers and students become agents of change for ocean sustainability, collaborate across Europe and connect to the larger ocean literacy community.
How to become a European Blue School?
Any project submitted by a school to become a European Blue School must meet the following five compulsory criteria:
- Develop a project with interlinked activities
- Produce a clear output
- Involve all students
- Collaborate with a local partner
- Communicate project results
After successfully completing the project in accordance with the five mandatory requirements, schools will receive the European Blue School Certificate.
Additionally teachers are encouraged to develop project ideas that provide authentic learning experience (hands-on projects with real-life significance and impact), allow working in a multi-disciplinary manner, mobilize pupils outside of the the classroom, promote the collaboration between inland schools and schools from coastal areas, and bring in a European dimension through international exchanges.
By submitting a Blue project, and becoming a European Blue School, you will get access to the online European Blue School community, which offers:
- Professional seminars for teachers
- Access to resources from the members of the EU4Ocean Platform
- Q&A discussion forum
- News and updates
- Funding opportunities
- Calls for collaboration
- Partner schools
How to submit the application!
Detailed information about the challenge and a Handbook for Teachers are available online.