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Sieben auf einen Streich

©Stephanie Wunder|CC BY NC

Sieben auf einen Streich

Regionale Ernährungsstrategien als Schlüssel für eine nachhaltigere Stadt-Umland-Kooperation


Wunder, Stephanie and Franziska Wolff 2020: Sieben auf einen Streich. Regionale Ernährungsstrategien als Schlüssel für eine nachhaltigere Stadt-Umland-Kooperation. In: AgrarBündnis e.V. (Hg.): Kritischer Agrarbericht 2020. Konstanz.

The German article "Seven at one blow! Regional Food Strategies as key to more sustainable Urban-Rural cooperations" deals with the role of regional food strategies as a promising approach for an integrated, sustainable development of urban and rural areas. The article, written by Stephanie Wunder, Coordinator Food Systems at the Ecologic Institute and Franziska Wolff, Head of Environmental Law & Governance at Öko-Institut summarizes the results of the UBA project "Rural Urban Nexus", led by Ecologic Institute. The text is part of "The Critical Agricultural Report". Since 1993 "Der kritische Agrarbericht" is an annually published flagship book, that critically reflects about agriculture in Germany in the context of the EU Common Agricultural Policy. The 2020 edition focused on the changing relationship between rural and urban areas.

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Stephanie Wunder
Franziska Wolff (Öko-Institut)
Published in
Kritischer Agrarbericht 2020 [German]
Published by
5 pp.
-10: 3930413671 ISBN-13: 978-3930413676
Project ID
urban, cities, rural, food systems, SDGs, sustainable land use, land take, agriculture, indicators, Rural Urban Nexus, integrated approaches, energy and resource flows, city-region food-systems, regional value chains, ecosystem services