The European Commission will propose a European Climate Law in early March 2020. This 'Law' is a critical step to make Europe climate neutral. It can close gaps in existing EU climate rules. These gaps will impede the EU from becoming climate neutral before 2050. A new Ecologic paper presents a draft European Climate Law. The paper is available for download.
- Language
- Authorship
- Funding
European Climate Foundation (ECF), International - Published by
Ecologic Institute, Germany - Year
- Dimension
- 14 pp.
- Project ID
- Table of contents
Click to show full table of contents
1 Introduction
2 Key provisions of the European Climate Law
2.1 Article 1: Objectives and goals
2.2 Article 2: (selected) Definitions
2.3 Article 3: Legally binding reduction targets
2.4 Article 4: Union‘s emission budget
2.5 Article 5: Enhancement of natural sinks for emission removals
2.6 Article 6: Permanent climate and energy dialogue platform
2.7 Article 7: EU Advisory Council on Climate Policy
2.8 Article 8: National Independent Climate Councils
2.9 Article 9: Ending fossil fuel subsidies
2.10 Article 10: Policy Mainstreaming
2.11 Article 11: Review and target adjustment - Keywords
climate law; climate rules; climate policy; EU; European Union; Carbon neutral; climate neutral; renewable energies; energy efficiency; transformation; decarbonisation; Paris Agreement; European Parliament; European Commission; legislation; legal acts; legal text; CO2 footprint; climate target; governance regulation; energy unionEurope
Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils 2019: A European Climate Law – What Should It Look Like?. Ecologic Institute: Berlin.
Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils and Meinecke, Lisa Fee 2018: A Climate Law for Europe. Making the Paris Agreement Real. Ecologic Institute: Berlin.
Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils and Katharina Umpfenbach 2019: Ein europäisches Klimaschutzgesetz. Tagesspiegel: 8 August 2019. Online:
Duwe, Matthias und Heidi Stockhaus 2019: Klimaschutzgesetze in Europa. Überblick und Bedeutung für ein deutsches Klimaschutzgesetz. Kurzstudie des Ecologic Institut im Auftrag des WWF Deutschland.
Ecologic Institute, 2019: Klimaschutzgesetze in Europa – Von anderen lernen. Knowledge for Future – Der Umwelt-Podcast. Podcast. 10 September 2019. Online:…
Conference:Experiences with National and Subnational Climate Laws: Enhancing Ambition – Dr. Camilla Bausch at COP24 Side-Event
- Date
- Location
- Katowice, Poland
Sina, Stephan and Heidi Stockhaus 2019: Landesklimaschutzgesetze in Deutschland. Überblick und Bedeutung für ein Klimaschutzgesetz des Bundes. Study by Ecologic Institute on behalf of WWF Germany.