
Oekom Research – Development of Criteria for Company Ratings for Sustainable Investment


Oekom research AG is one of the world's leading providers of information on the social and environmental performance of companies, sectors and countries. The scientifically based rating system for the assessment of businesses and their products, processes, services and business models is being constantly updated with the support of an independent advisory board, co-chaired by R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic.

Numerous studies back it up: Companies that do business in a more sustainable way show a better financial performance in the long-term – they demonstrate a higher energy and resources efficiency, superior product quality, highly motivated employees and a better reputation. This results in a head start that is also being rewarded at the financial markets.

Oekom research analyses the world’s most important stock-quoted companies on your behalf to identify the leaders in sustainability. Our research universe is continuously extended and updated: Within the Corporate Responsibility Research we analyse international large & mid cap companies from all the important industries. The Potentials Research comprises international small cap companies with particularly sustainable products and services. Our research universe with more than 900 companies covers over 80% of the MSCI World.

The Corporate Responsibility Rating is based on the world's most comprehensive set of criteria for ethical assessment of companies - the "Frankfurt-Hohenheim Guidelines". It assesses companies' responsibility towards:

  • Persons affected by corporate activities (social sustainability)
  • Society and culture (cultural sustainability)
  • The natural environment (environmental sustainability)
Project ID
ethical investment, green investment finance, sustainable asset management, corporate social responsibility, sustainable production and consumption, leadership in business, green finance, consumer policy

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